

Korean cher say nex yr July they gonna make a trip to Korea together leh! OMG~ Oh yeah, my Korean Name is pronounced as “Chang Hae Ni”.

*你是哪里不舒服? 身体? 还是心理?*

Received this email from PW…feel like confiding in blog…haha.

你現在正在聽誰的歌: One Republic: Apologise
你在哪裡讀書: Currently in China, ZheJiang
你最後吃的一樣東西是什麼: Chicken drumstick
現在天氣如何: windy and cold
戴隱形眼鏡嗎: Nope
上一次生日蛋糕上蠟燭的數目: Can’r rmb.
你家養過什麼: Fishes, Hamsters, tortoises
星座: Libra
兄弟姊妹跟他們的年紀: younger bro…16
眼珠顏色: Shld be near black
耳朵有幾個洞: 1 at each ear
有刺青嗎: Nope.
出生地: SG
目前居住地: temp. at ZUCC hostel
喝過酒嗎: Think so
覺得自己花心嗎:No ba
暗戀過人嗎: Yeah
不敢跟人告白嗎: Ah…it takes courage isn’t it?
最喜歡的顏色: YELLOW
喜歡看哪一種的電影:Comedy is my fav.
最喜歡的卡通人物或品牌: Not really
喜歡的花: Sunflower ba
懷念的日子:Too many to type down here…
伤心的日子:Too many to type down here…
最怕遇到的人:Annoying ppl and backstabbers
喜歡的運動:Table Tennis and Badminton
喜歡的冰淇淋口味:Vanilla flavour
最怕什麼東西: Sad news, millipede and snails.
如果有來世,你最想當: Human
討厭做的事: Forcing me to do things that I don't want or dislike
討厭別人做什麼: Things that anger me
上次上醫院是什麼時候:When I was 11yrs old, grandpa on sick bed.
以後想做什麼職業: *Headache*
你覺得自己十年後會在哪裡: As long as I’m alive and with my love ones, places don’t matter
無聊的時候你大多做些什麼: Listen to songs
世上最惱人的事: Anything that bothers me
全世界最好的事: To be HAPPY
沒把握的事情態度如何:Don’t do
如果有人誤會你,你會: Explain whatever I have to clarify, no matter if the other party listens or not.
如果有人誤會你,又不聽你的解釋: Cold war
有想過要怎麼對付你討厭的人嗎: Don’t bother about them…*Why bother to waste time and energy over ppl that ain’t worth it?*
你認為你的另一半幫你付錢是理所當然的嗎: At times
現在心裡最想念的人是誰 : Family
要幾歲結婚:Over 25 ba
有想過要自殺嗎:When ppl got so so so depressed…but NO cos I’m afraid of death lol

Hwks pile up like hills (still lower than 600m LOL)…which is kinda normal as a student. I mean, Singaporean students are trained to grow up under tremendous stress in our school life. Since u can’t change the environment, then the only solution against stress out there is how u deal with it urself. I reckon how u look at stress affects ur resistance lvl to it.

For me, I can get pretty stressed up when everyone ard me works hard but yet my brain seemed to be stuck. When u’re stressed up, you get fed up naturally. All I would do then is to try and convince ppl ard me to slower down their pace haha~ *Yeah! JQ let’s laugh over DBSK & SJ’s show together!*

Yet, the fact is that DEADLINE’s are there for one impt purpose: to get my brain going no matter what. Guess I know how to balance between stress and relax moments…I listen to music when I’m doing my essays. When I felt stuck in between words, I listen to music to loosen up a little before going on…while other times the music is simply acting as a soothing accompaniment going in and out of my ears, unknowingly. *Like now.*

Well, another great thing to do in between is to write my blog (发泄) or things that I’m interested in doing rather than hwk. *Haha…I’m never a procrastinator in life cos I get “gan-jiong” easily.*
Everyone has their own way of coping with stress. I’ve found the ideal method for myself…main aim being: Stay happy in the midst of all lost. Haha…try analysing urs ba.

