Rating: 3.5/5
Was transferring files from my old SE W580i to the new SE Aino phone... took a long time man. I'm lazy to transfer my old msges over le... stopped halfway. Somehw feel a bit uneasy with the new phone eh... haha. Guess I need time to get use to it ba. Hopefully, the batt lasts cos I've been bluetooth-ing the whole day today and the batt needs charging again even though I charged it ysd.
*Felt like time is wasted. I'm getting more and more impatient nw wierd. This wkend? Hmm.*
Juz caught SHINee's Jong Hyun and Onew on the show "Champagne" with Uee as the "leading lady" there. The male guests were kinda funny... Onew imitated "Donald Duck" again LOL. The segment whrby Uee was supposed to choose bet 2 male artistes was fun... haha... as an audience, we ladies could choose our own too LOL.
Then, watched SJ-M on“娱乐百分百-粉丝同乐会”part 1... I really liked them on Taiwanese variety shows lor... they were much more hilarious and nt as "solemn" like on most Korean variety shows. I think it's the culture diff ba. Han Kyung's dance was BOOM~ powerful, Henry's violin + dance performance was sleek... and gosh he mixed all those music himself too! Dong Hae was kinda playful on the show... his dance was romantic haha. Zhou Mi sang“普通朋友”and his R&B feel was super gd... all the notes were properly and nicely sung. Ryeo Wook spent 2mths learning F.I.R's“我们的爱”... and he sang well. Kyu Hyun... his voice simply attracted all the audience in ba... I think he sung“北极星的眼泪”better than张栋梁lor... maybe cos Kyu Hyun has a deeper, thicker voice ba. Si Won's TaeKwando performance was manly ah~ but Han Kyung's "Ultraman" pose when he came out in the middle was simply hilarious... I din noe there's a "comedian-underlying-in-his-blood" o~ haha.
Anyway, they were all cute in张菲's“综艺大哥大”variety too... Kyu Hyun feeding张菲, Dong Hae“抢主持人风头”and more... ah I can't wait for part 2 to both of the shows!