Oh my ears are "bursting"... had been having my headphones on for long hrs these few days cos I'm pia-ing drama. *Gosh I think I'm beginning to lose the patience for reading and even watching shows... I tend to "FF" when I watch dramas o, unlike last time when I liked the show, I would watch it at normal speed from the start till the end.*
Hooked onto "미남이시네요" (都是美男啊/You're Beautiful)these 2 days, a drama highly recommended by SS and YB o.

Just done with the show, and I'd have to say, it's been quite some time since I caught an idol drama tat kinda drew me to it. Funny hw this show has an uncanny resemblance, and the boys here even reminded me of "Boys Over Flowers". The female lead, 박신혜(朴信慧), reminds me of Ella in“花样少男少女”and尹恩惠from some angles... probably cos of the hairstyle and her lips. She is tom-boyish in the show, but I reckon Ella still rocks a "tomboy" role.
The lead, 장근석(张根硕), acting as the leader of A.N.Jell, 黄泰京, looked like Hee Chul plus a skinnier version of Hong Ki to me at times. Coincidentally, he had the霸气tat具俊表had, yet with a slightly more "evil"/cunning/"devilish"/"rockerish" feel to his looks haha. 장근석definitely looks cute when he smile... and he's gt a pretty sexy deep voice. Hmm, juz tat he looks a tad too old at times. Still, it's enjoyable watching him, esp when he had all those funny O.S parts... hilarious. *Oh and he loves to do those "smirks" and “嘟嘴”in the show~ adorable!*
The 2nd lead who reminds me of the character尹智厚, as well as a more matured version of SHINee's Jong Hyun + Energy's Kunda~ alas he's the "kind prince" in dramas... whom protects the female lead quietly, and one day gt his love snatched away by another guy b4 he realised it was too late to tell tat he was in love with the female lead himself. Again, guys like“花泽类”caught my eyes la haha. I din like黄泰京at 1st, and tot姜新禹was more of "my cup of tea" lol. Well, this character continued to charm all the female audience thruout the show I reckon~ Hmm... I think정용화 (郑龙华)looks like a nice guy... but I suspect he's a male chauvinist (cos traditionally, Korean guys tend to be like tat ah~) too cos he looked like“深藏不露”haha.
이홍기(李弘基) is the playful and bubbly mixed blood prince, Jeremy! Haha he really brought "life" to the drama... esp with his expressions and those funny "misunderstandings" he had about Gemma. His little love for Gemma couldn't be compared to the other 2 leads, which were much more obvious, but when I watched the scene when he cried and sung when he knew tat Gemma liked黄泰京, it was kinda heart-breaking somehow too. Nt to mention, he's gt a very husky and nice singing voice.
Hooked onto "미남이시네요" (都是美男啊/You're Beautiful)these 2 days, a drama highly recommended by SS and YB o.

Happened to find the pic below somewhere on a net, and read the line immediately after this:“喜欢傲慢型,有——请看最右边;喜欢温柔型,也有——最左边;喜欢可爱型,还有——中间那位”
Though the storyline is kinda wat's "in" nowadays... but the whole flow was catchy.
就快要老掉牙了,但这种剧集仍然是呼唤着年轻的心灵的声音... 让自己做一下童话的梦,又何尝不可呢?
Rating: 4.25/5
"Seoul Song" by Super Junior and Girls' Generation. I liked Kyu Hyun's story~ he's uber cute!
2PM's Corby HP MV, "My Color" is out! Alamak Junsu and Junho were so hot there~