Kbox with WZ & PQ

Met WZ and PQ on weds evening and after dinner, we headed to Kbox for our 1st singing session together since WZ came back from Shanghai haha.
It's 3 hrs of enjoyment... been long since I heard WZ and PQ's voice honestly haha. I reckon WZ does sound a lot like郭采洁when she sung her songs... and WZ told me there's juz this tendency to imitate haha. *Oh gals I heard the harmonisation in“心墙”... gd work there!*
When we left, WZ passed me the ezlink card for use in Shanghai, as well as the namecard for the photoshoot. She was all eager, asking me wat concept would I choose when I go for the shoot. Hmm... currently nt much idea until I see the "real thing" la haha. *I do love the greek, ancient kind of elegance.* PQ and WZ wants to see me dressed up "more feminine" in the shots... well I guess I will... since it's like for momento sake and the fact tat I rarely see myself all dressed up LOL!

*Ah I wanna dl U-Kiss's variety shows... but the stupid links juz won't work!*

Kinda sleepy on thurs morning so I came to blog! *Haha blogging keeps me awake cos my brain's like working... reflecting... refreshing...*
Juz saw Bob's photos on FB... in the album entitled "Last Wish 《心愿》". I esp enjoyed hw Bob's photos and his wife HH's words "worked" together side by side for the article. Guess ppl do feel kinda "emo" in the morning... and seeing those words and photos did made me feel "sour" and touched at the same time.
Shall post the article and a few photos here to share:


病院的社工联络了我,问我可否为病人完成最后的心愿,其中一位Mdm Lee希望临终前,能有一张婚纱照。


从探望到拍摄短短的几天内,照片就冲洗好了。能让Mdm Lee在结婚十年后终于拥有自己的婚纱照,我有很大的满足感。可惜的是,几个星期后她就离世了。

除了Mdm Lee,还有另一位Mr Chia,他希望能与家人到Singapore Flyer 一游。在医院拍摄了全家福后,他在医生、护士和家人的陪同下到了Flyer。轮椅、氧气筒、扇子⋯⋯为了这趟行程,医护人员为他带满一车子的配备。Mr Chia的儿子在身体脆弱的父亲面前显得有点不知所措,幸好有他女儿在旁帮忙他清理咳出来的痰、为他扇风。每个家庭都有自己的故事,真情总是迟至离别之即才流露出来。

后来听社工说,Mr Chia五天后就去世了,希望他没有带着太大的遗憾离开。

最令我难忘的是auntie lucy。她与老伴在一起已经半个世纪了,但是还未宣誓结婚。她没说为什么,我也没有追问。宣誓当天,医生要确定她神志清醒,特地来到病房问她问题以进行测试。

auntie lucy:我现在在新娘房。
auntie lucy:我今天结婚,所以我现在在新娘房啊。
医生:哈哈,auntie lucy你很清醒哦!

整个宣誓过程中,auntie lucy一共流了两次眼泪。第一次是当她梳妆完毕后与老伴合照时,老伴用手轻抚她头发的时候;第二次是当老伴为她掀开头纱的时候,我看得出,那是洋溢着幸福的泪水。


Credits to: 摄影:李欣赏      文字:林慧慧
The willingness to help makes one happy;
the satisfaction of having helped makes one happy;
the grant of a wish makes one happy;
and the sharing of love brings wat we call "happiness".

*It has been on my mind all along... "expansion" of a dream of mine: to travel ard the world nt only to learn and exp, and also to help others.*
