Met up with Alina at Lot 1 today. Gosh... it's been more than a yr since I last saw her. This gal ah... so emo on her blog...害我担心wat happened to her lol. We had lunch at Ajisan... cos she nv eat b4.
We chatted for like 4,5 hrs lor... haha... the waiters and waitresses came up to Alina more than 10times, wanting to refill her green tea LOL. Chatted about my internship at SPH, my China life, her life as an assistant kindergarden teacher, marriage, uni plans, future etc. *这女生挺务实的喔!* Our pri sch lifes... haha... I realise I've gt an astonishing memory compared to Alina haha! Ppl like MH, SW, LS, SY, Radidah, Fariza... still in my mind~ even their faces haha.
Anyway, b4 lunch we caught "Wall-E"! I actualli suggested to watch leh~ god dunno wat got into me cos I myself nt interested in watching in the 1st place.

Wall-E was the super advanced (intelligent) robot made to "save" rubbish-filled Earth. Many of his partners "died" from exhaustion" I reckon. He was the only one left, along with his friend, 蟑螂小强. Eve came along somehow, and lonely Wall-E fell in love with her. He took care of her when she went into "hibernation mode" after "accepting the plant". Hilarious part there.
Later, we found out that Eve was actualli a robot on mission to Earth... to seek for signs of any remaining living thing there. Meanwhile, all humans were on a spaceship... high-tech place. This is where u see human's手脚都退化, sitting on a comfy seat and travelling as and where they like. The place is controlled by robots. The wicked surbordinate of the captain didn't want to allow human to go back to Earth, so千方百计want to get rid of the plant brought back by Eve and Wall-E. Both Eve and Wall-E tried so hard to "protect" the plant, and in the end succeeded. Wall-E almost sacrificed... kinda touching for a robot haha. Great thing was that Eve and Wall-E gt together in the end haha.
看见2个原本可以不理会地球的机器人那么地尽心尽力保护Mother Earth, ppl是时候反省了。
Rating: 3.5/5