Last captured memories of my 1wk in bank lol...

Home tel rang early in the morning at 8+am.
Switched on my phone, it rang within 1min. Agent called. Her tone isn't very polite throughout. 1st thing she went on and on about was tat I can't quit only after 1wk of work cos she reckons tat it's cos I haven't get used to the pace. I tried to argue, she even blamed me for telling my supervisors... said I shld have informed agency 1st. Wat the!? I emailed tat newbie agent on last Fri night k!?
After putting down the phone, I sms-ed my supervisor regarding a re-shuffle of position. AL gave me a sms reply soon telling me that she has already discussed with my agent. I called the newbie, she told tat she would return my call in 5mins time. Yet, it was another agent tat returned my call. Indeed, HSBC's gt no suitable positions for me, thus I was allowed to quit, without any compensations. Of cos, I lost my 1wk pay of about $350 as well.
I'm pretty fine with no pay, cos I reckon I'm partly to blame for being "blind" enough to trust that newbie agent... so timid that she didn't even hav the courage to talk to me regarding my resignation matter.
Nvm, ppl learn bit by bit in our life journeys.
I promise to be more meticulous in future. 后悔毕竟是白费的开始。
Oh yeah, 一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳。No more work in related industries in future for me.
Gotta continue with job searching nw.
Btw, my 2nd hand stuff web blog is somehow up le (look at the left side under "Links"). Do go and take a look and recommend to ur other friends o!
SJ-M on“娱乐星工厂”part2... too funny le the guys! Henry can actualli塞18small tomatoes in his mouth sia~ haha in the end bloated like monkey face lol. 3 parts to the vid.
The way韩庚搭讪tat female host is typical lol. But Mr Si Won ah... maybe due to lang barrier...他也太直接了吧!? Super funny. Henry did arm wrestling with Si Won... and of cos the "big guy" won lol... and Henry was there on the flr haha! Dong Hae looked like he isn't very comfortable with acting cute... ah doi he already looks cute. Kyu Hyun really reminds me of Vic somehow though.
They play the凌波舞game...张力尹was wearing dress so naturally she can't bend much. Kyu Hyun doesn't look too gd at it too... maybe cos car accident before. Han Kyung, Si Won, Zhou Mi and Henry were the better ones at the game I tot.
Switched on my phone, it rang within 1min. Agent called. Her tone isn't very polite throughout. 1st thing she went on and on about was tat I can't quit only after 1wk of work cos she reckons tat it's cos I haven't get used to the pace. I tried to argue, she even blamed me for telling my supervisors... said I shld have informed agency 1st. Wat the!? I emailed tat newbie agent on last Fri night k!?
After putting down the phone, I sms-ed my supervisor regarding a re-shuffle of position. AL gave me a sms reply soon telling me that she has already discussed with my agent. I called the newbie, she told tat she would return my call in 5mins time. Yet, it was another agent tat returned my call. Indeed, HSBC's gt no suitable positions for me, thus I was allowed to quit, without any compensations. Of cos, I lost my 1wk pay of about $350 as well.
I'm pretty fine with no pay, cos I reckon I'm partly to blame for being "blind" enough to trust that newbie agent... so timid that she didn't even hav the courage to talk to me regarding my resignation matter.
Nvm, ppl learn bit by bit in our life journeys.
I promise to be more meticulous in future. 后悔毕竟是白费的开始。
Oh yeah, 一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳。No more work in related industries in future for me.
Gotta continue with job searching nw.
Btw, my 2nd hand stuff web blog is somehow up le (look at the left side under "Links"). Do go and take a look and recommend to ur other friends o!
SJ-M on“娱乐星工厂”part2... too funny le the guys! Henry can actualli塞18small tomatoes in his mouth sia~ haha in the end bloated like monkey face lol. 3 parts to the vid.
The way韩庚搭讪tat female host is typical lol. But Mr Si Won ah... maybe due to lang barrier...他也太直接了吧!? Super funny. Henry did arm wrestling with Si Won... and of cos the "big guy" won lol... and Henry was there on the flr haha! Dong Hae looked like he isn't very comfortable with acting cute... ah doi he already looks cute. Kyu Hyun really reminds me of Vic somehow though.
They play the凌波舞game...张力尹was wearing dress so naturally she can't bend much. Kyu Hyun doesn't look too gd at it too... maybe cos car accident before. Han Kyung, Si Won, Zhou Mi and Henry were the better ones at the game I tot.