


Am watching this宣传台湾景点的偶像剧“这里发现爱”, starring Vic Zai Zai, Ken Chu, Kingone etc. Vic’s a小说家in the show, kinda神经质at times…but his character really cute la! With those stupid比手划脚, “lame” way of speaking his lines…omg…Vic’s still very handsome with his short hair o! *什么angle看都帅啦!* The episode whereby he became a taxi driver, picked up吴宗宪was funny…cos Jacky said:“就算当艺人,也不要和女艺人交往。”…to Vic…lol *Ain’t he with Barbie then!?*
许乐(Vic饰)de lame act之一…someone told him to“聆听大地的声音来寻找灵感”… 许乐literally趴在草地上to“聆听”LOL!
*Oh yeah…I think Vic适合演悬疑剧里变态的、精神and人格分裂的character too…cos sometimes his眼神gives ppl the feel.*
Kingone…honestly 1st time I watch his show leh.他的声音异常稳重、低沉. However, he’s cute too…his hairstyle even reminded me of Ella leh!
Ken…颓废A-beng look leh. But I think his side profile still nt-bad looking o.

*Finished“原来我不帅”episode 5…whoa…online a lot of偶像剧to watch sia…those DVDs I bought I oso haven watch…cham le la~*
