Superstar KTV!
*The "take-free-facial-sample" incident on Weds freaked me out a bit... omg.*
Met up with WT and Michelle and we walked to光华楼to find中文系副主任to hand in the list of confirmed modules we're all taking this sem here at Fudan. *Overheard an angmoh gal saying tat her bike's being stolen in sch... aiyoh.* Anyway, we were told tat we'd hav to go back there to get our student card. *复旦一卡通不等于学生卡。*
3 of us walked to this buy train ticket shop near South area of sch. *Can't recall the name but it's a blue signboard.* The ticket lady was nice enough to explain to us. We bought the动车tickets to杭州, back and forth on the early morning of 22nd sep, and 8+pm ticket on 25th sep. It's RMB136 in all o.
We had lunch at永昌烧味餐厅, juz beside the ticketing shop. We all tried the烧味双拚... and I chose烧鸭and油鸡as my“双拚”... RMB16. *In China, the chicken and duck meat we hav together with rice are usually cold ones.*
Met up with WT and Michelle and we walked to光华楼to find中文系副主任to hand in the list of confirmed modules we're all taking this sem here at Fudan. *Overheard an angmoh gal saying tat her bike's being stolen in sch... aiyoh.* Anyway, we were told tat we'd hav to go back there to get our student card. *复旦一卡通不等于学生卡。*
3 of us walked to this buy train ticket shop near South area of sch. *Can't recall the name but it's a blue signboard.* The ticket lady was nice enough to explain to us. We bought the动车tickets to杭州, back and forth on the early morning of 22nd sep, and 8+pm ticket on 25th sep. It's RMB136 in all o.
We had lunch at永昌烧味餐厅, juz beside the ticketing shop. We all tried the烧味双拚... and I chose烧鸭and油鸡as my“双拚”... RMB16. *In China, the chicken and duck meat we hav together with rice are usually cold ones.*
The排骨soup tat came along was yummy! There were too much bones and the meats were rather tough too though. Nonetheless, the sauces weren't too bad. *There's外卖for this woo~*
After tat, we walked to万达广场, linked to第一食品building and we looked ard for伴手礼for my Korean cher~ saw美珍香and some SG food stuffs there. We walked out of the place and while I was looking at a map, I saw this“汤姆熊欢乐世界”and Michelle tot this was the place tat is similar to SG's "Make-a-Bear" place. So, happily... we went over and I took some random pics on the way there.
It's an arcade, and us being“童心未眠”, we started to change tokens and play there. *RMB1 for 1 token... and I gt cheated of SGD20cents for tat stupid "trap-mouse" game!*
Saw the cute little boy above? *Pls I know his smile looks forced... but definitely nt cos I pointed a gun at him to take this pic~* 3 of us were playing the stupid "take-ball-smash-screen" game when this little boys and his grandparents came over. *He loved the balls~ lol.* We screamed cos we were excited while playing... had some fun at arcade. WT wanted to take a pic with him, but he was reluctant to haha.
Michelle insisted she wants to find her "make-a-bear" shop, so the person directed her to百联又一城, 8th flr to find another“汤姆熊欢乐世界”, and we walked there oni to find there's no such service.
Headed to Super Star KTV for our 3 hrs singing session at 2+pm!
The rm given to us was huge for 3 ppl la! The stereo and surround system were nt bad, juz tat I found my voice a tad too soft for the place, dunno y. It's all touch-screen and there were quite some Korean songs haha. *WT din sing, oni enjoyed watching her "handsome and cutie pies" onscreen lol.* I sorta juz recovered from sore throat, so I guess my voice wasn't in gd condition. *WT asked me to sing“我怀念的”halfway thru... so "emo" la she lol.* It's oni RMB22 per person for 3hrs... kinda cheap la... though no drinks nor tidbits. *Shall try好乐迪nex time.*
Went to hav dinner at this place with decor tat reminds me of "The Coffee Club" in SG. I had the "abalone + mushrm + chicken meat" porridge... RMB21. There's oni 1 small, pathetic abalone la... but the porridge was average overall.

*The auntie stopped by asking if I was searching for my abalone when she saw me flipping my spoon nw and then in the porridge... and while WT and Michelle popped their heads near to "watch" lol.*
Went Walmart and gt some disposable underwears and bedrm slippers... RMB15. Gt myself travel size shampoo, conditioner and body wash for the Hangzhou trip too... RMB20. Oh yeah btw, I bought Hero's "Heaven's Postman" Chinese novel for RMB40... yes!

*香芋酥 (RMB8) is really gd... WT let me tried it! Muz get it b4 I go back to SG.*
*Hangzhou trip planned... aish we're nt gg杭州乐园anymore~*