U-Kiss's厨师之吻 + Death At A Funeral + Vampires Suck
*Slacking at home, waiting to fly over to Shanghai... so lazy.*
Mon evening met YB at market to take my early bday present... given by James and her. *YB looked so "shag" after work haha... thks for willing to meet me at market juz to pass me presents o!* So apparently, YB went Taka on Sun (with ZL I guess?) and gt me a bottle of nail polish (Anna Sui). *Gal the colour is pretty~ I gt it on my toe nails nw hehe.* The funny thing was... I din noe this polish smells like lychee eh! I brought it back home, started trying out on my nails when I smell lychee... but I tot it was cos I put it nex to a bowl of lychee mum brought home in the afternoon. It was until I started painting all of my toe nails and realised they smell like lychee, even after we finished all the real lychees on the table haha!
And there's another Parker ball point pen too... might bring it for engraving when I've the time to.
*Wanna settle my things in SG totally b4 I fly over. But some things juz ain't within my control la... hmph.*
It's another near half a yr of "absence" from SG haha... felt like I gt many things to do once I touch down in Shanghai. Okie peeps, thks for all the well wishes! I really shld get a gd night's slp and rest well at home tml b4 my flight takes off on thurs morning 1:15am. Ciao~ till then! *Into "packed mode" my lappy goes~*
Mon evening met YB at market to take my early bday present... given by James and her. *YB looked so "shag" after work haha... thks for willing to meet me at market juz to pass me presents o!* So apparently, YB went Taka on Sun (with ZL I guess?) and gt me a bottle of nail polish (Anna Sui). *Gal the colour is pretty~ I gt it on my toe nails nw hehe.* The funny thing was... I din noe this polish smells like lychee eh! I brought it back home, started trying out on my nails when I smell lychee... but I tot it was cos I put it nex to a bowl of lychee mum brought home in the afternoon. It was until I started painting all of my toe nails and realised they smell like lychee, even after we finished all the real lychees on the table haha!
And there's another Parker ball point pen too... might bring it for engraving when I've the time to.
Night met Bel at Clementi at 9+pm, and we went to sing Kbox at 10pm haha! The time was originally 3hrs for the $8 promo, but since it was already 1am when our session ended, no one came to rush us and yeah I think we could sing till 3am in fact. But poor Bel's gt to work the nex day, so she suggested we leave at 1.30am. Took cab home together, and the uncle was gg on-and-on about rude customers he'd bumped into. *Yeah satisfied my "singing craving" b4 I go overseas haha~*
*Arghh.... SIA check-in why so troublesome one?*
Have been waking up at like 12pm these few days... still felt "drowsy" after waking up lol. Finished watching all 12 episodes of U-Kiss's“厨师之吻”! Though I'm nt interested in cooking, I still loved watching this "all-about-food" variety.

These guys hav gone from almost "cooking idiots" to wat they called themselves: “料理-dols”! Ppl like Eli has done kinda well since the beginning (due to "gene inheritance" from chef dad?), but Ki Bum, Ki Seop and Soo Hyun's cooking skills were "er..." haha. And since this variety is hosted by U-Kiss, ppl/fans get more insight into the members. Let's see my impression of them nw... (starting from the eldest among them lol~)
*Alexander's always trying to make ppl ard him happy... juz like me LOL.* Being the big brother of the grp... I guess tat's somewat a responsibility of his. According to Korean tradition, the "maknae" is usually the one being bullied/ordered ard... but in U-Kiss's case... due to the "cosmopolitan-cy" I reckon... Alexander's always the poor one being bullied la! I love how "blur" he is at times, and hw he always pronounce some Korean words wrongly haha! *Still, he's my 2nd fav member in U-Kiss nw haha!* 

Soo Hyun (신수현) is another "talker" of the grp! He can blabber on and on non-stop one eh... super noisy sometimes haha! Oh yeah he's quite a big bully too... esp in 1 episode when he started hinting everyone to get away from the table and leave poor Xander to clean up the mess lol. Dunno why but sometimes he "MIA" from the show one eh. *No wonder Eli was so unwilling to team up with him when they were asked to change partners haha.*
Ki Bum (김기범) is the "No.1 talker" in U-Kiss! I enjoy hw he goes about “酸-ing”other members at times... and those crazy "rappings" he'd do when doing dishes LOL! Other members were laughing at him for being the "dish-washer" of the team whenever "U-Kissteakhouse" opens for business haha. Lucky it seemed he started improving after new "알.기.동" team was formed haha! *At least he'd made it once to being a chef in the kitchen.*
Ki Seop (이기섭)... his "love" with Kevin gives me the goosebump sometimes haha. Oni started to notice him towards the end of the show... when he finally showed more serious-ness at cooking haha. Previously, was simply laughing at him as an audience... deal to the tricks of other members. *Can vividly rmb his“灵魂出窍”animation when he ate tat spicy dessert prepared by Eli, Ki Bum and Kevin haha.*
Ah~ Eli's easily my fav out of all 7 members! I think tat guys who can cook are simply fantastic and Eli does the best in cooking out of them all! *Chef Kim named Eli as his fav student a few times haha.* Be it with Kevin or Soo Hyun, Eli somehw was able to maintain his figure as "main chef" in a team haha. Whenever the camera closes up on him doing the dishes... whoa man it's 100% serious-ness the way he looked haha. *认真的男人最帅!* During the last few episodes, their team were able to cooked up yummy dishes when "Chef E" simply“凭感觉”to prepare sauces neh. *Was kinda touching to see Eli talk to his dad in USA via the cam in the 2nd last episode.* I reckon he's kinda dorky too, but appears to be more quiet since there are already enough "talkative men" in U-Kiss haha. *If U-Kiss doesn't work out, Eli... do team up with Kevin and u 2 could work ur way up well in the cooking industry!*
Kevin is definitely the“男版大长今”here lor! He is pretty-looking for a guy, and skinny as he is, he's another one gd at cooking. Though he撒娇towards other members, I still think he's rather shy on cam haha. *Ah many things about him reminds me of a gal haha!*
I used to show little interest towards 94-er Dongho (신동호) last time when I watch U-Kiss on variety shows cos I think he's kind of childish. *An image he's supposed to "uphold" on screen?* Until I caught this show and on one of the episodes, a doctor was hired to do a full health-check for U-Kiss. Dongho was said to hav“老人病”... meaning he thinks too much at times and worries a lot LOL. *Can't imagine a 16 yr old like tat... more of胡思乱想?Haha.* Maybe, I'm saying maybe Dongho isn't as childish as he look on the outside. The way he and Xander bickers over the procedures/doing the dishes during the competition shows tat he does think and have a mind of his own.
Rating: 4/5
Rushing to finish 2 movies in a day. Watched "Death At A Funeral" 1st.
Rating: 3/5
The 2nd one looks interesting... "Vampires Suck".
The characters do resemble the original ones to a certain extent.
Imo this spoiler movie is lame... but I had a gd laugh haha.
Imo this spoiler movie is lame... but I had a gd laugh haha.
Rating: 3.5/5
*Wanna settle my things in SG totally b4 I fly over. But some things juz ain't within my control la... hmph.*
It's another near half a yr of "absence" from SG haha... felt like I gt many things to do once I touch down in Shanghai. Okie peeps, thks for all the well wishes! I really shld get a gd night's slp and rest well at home tml b4 my flight takes off on thurs morning 1:15am. Ciao~ till then! *Into "packed mode" my lappy goes~*