S.H.E PLAY庆功Fun Party + a lot more…
Watched “200 Pounds Beauty” on Fri night, till 2.30am. The female lead looks like a mixture of Shu Qi + Vivian Hsu…due to the shape of her mouth and her eyes I guess. The male lead… he was really bad at 1st and I wouldn’t say he turned 100% good in the end, jus got a bit better. Seriously that show reminds me of Andy Lau and Sammi Cheng’s “大只佬”. That’s only a show anyway, cos I thought the plot of a singer admitting to her ugly past is simply too much! In reality, the company would have suffered huge $ loss~ Admitting on her concert somemore…the media ppl sure have a lot to write la~haha.
Rating: 3/5
Sat early morning saw on TODAY a news about a bro donating his kidney to his elder sister. Very touched though I only scanned thru. It reminds me of me and my bro, we were like bickering since young, they were too. But still, family’s everything to a person, so I will do the same thing if I were the bro.
Met HL coincidentally at Clementi bus stop and took 184 to sch. So long since I stepped into NP again…like months ago before I started attachment. Went for a career talk, media and teaching track students together. So many changes to many ppl, even those who went for attachments. Some back from China de I don’t even recognise…they look like newbies to me! Haha~
Sometimes, it’s funny how when u become best friends with somebody, u overlook most of his/her weaknesses…u simply treat them as jokes even when they say sth bad.
Yet, if you were only normal/“slightly-better-than-normal” friends with this person and he/she did sth u看不顺眼的, u’re gonna get kind of pissed off, be it only a casual remark.
For me, if I see the “bad” side of a person before becoming better friends with them, I would take the step back. Well, on the surface I can still “he-he ha-ha” with them, but deep down I’ve already drawn a line to that friendship. It stops here and it’s not going anywhere closer/further/deeper.
CHS teachers gave us an intro to the careers we can expect. It’d occur to me as being a freelancer, but it’s a sad fact that Singapore still emphasizes a lot on getting a U degree. It kind of dawn on me, if I shld pursue the U degree (most possibly boring courses) or start work after my poly life. *cross junction*
Met Jac & her bf at Expo BK, then walked till the Max Pavilion VIP entrance. (Well, many VIPs, so Jac felt “dui”…) Met HF from Friday weekly, intern from NTU. She reminds me of Li Fang a lot…really! The way she talked & her looks. We waited for ZL to come and “fetch” me cos she had the tickets in her hand. After we went in, there was this bag check thing and I wanted to act blur but still that person ask me pour away my water…no drinks allowed. After Jac they all told him we were from the media, his tone softened lor! But damn~ I already poured away all my water! *so thirsty throughout*
ZL said Big boss XD oso there…in the front rows with his daughter…haha. 1hr concert, S.H.E sang all the songs from their new album + 魔力. 1st song sung was “Boom”, they weren’t sexy la…but appreciate the efforts they put in their dance. Then “五月天”…wow…Hebe hit the high notes, though bit diff from CD’s lol. After that, I can’t rmb exact order but songs like “借口”、“听袁惟仁弹吉他”、“中国话”、“伦敦大桥垮下来”、“好心情Just Be Yourself”、“说你爱我”were sung. You guys shld hear Ella rap live…really gd! Though she’s suffering from little flu (she admitted on stage), she still did well. Hebe sprayed the left side of her hair red (cos later during press con her hair went all black), and I thought when she danced “中国话”, her steps looked awkward whilst the other 2 were fine, dunno why haha… They cracked a lot, knew how to make the audience laugh and were indeed bubbly. Threw huge balls down to the floor while singing…lol. There was also a funny version of “中国话”MV being shown, whereby 3 staffs posed as them in the MV.
2 things I got to mention: Firstly, “谢谢你的温柔”was sung by only 3 of them. For the guys part, they did wonderful harmony…their voices really blended well. Next, before singing“老婆”, there were videos of them saying what the word “wife” means to them… Selina and Ella sort of cried. On the stage, the 3 did the 六手联弹…amazing though Ella admitted she did wrong for a part. Well, later at the press con they explained among 3 only Ella haven’t learnt piano before, so she basically can’t read those “beansprouts” and all Ella did was to “die memorise” the parts she played.
I tagged along for the press con. Pornsak wanted to go too… and he was like:“我也要采访S.H.E,我是‘他报’的记者。”LOL~ So the grp of us went in, damn cold rm. Got to see S.H.E up close in person, they aren’t tall (felt like I taller lol), esp Hebe looks kinda petite to me. Both Selina and Hebe had really upright noses…haha.
Highlights of the press con:
1. Ella said her flu was passed on to her by her sis, and she wakes up 3.30am to take her medicine.
2. Hebe was very worried about the piano part, starting of concert suddenly exclaimed “later got piano part o!”…Selina was laughing at her.
3. Ella confessed her relationship with her “gd friend” now at “paused” stage…both are busy with their work, it’s been sometime since they contacted. (Honestly, I wonder is it cos of Ella mum’s objection?)
4. Someone ask if Selina and Hebe if they are “rapping experts” now? They say they can only rap that 4 parts of rap in their song“中国话”.
5. Lucky Selina got to film MV with A-Shin and Lee Hom. She said after she knew that she could sing with Lee Hom, she told the other 2 to make them jealous~ Then she explained the song needed someone with sweet voice, went on to say:“Hebe那么狠,都不sweet。。。”Well, guess what? Hebe was defending herself by acting sweet…saying “Hello” all that…haha. (in fact she sounds more of childish~)
6. Ella亏Selina if she’s trying to go solo, after so many singing with other singers…LOL
Rating: 3/5
Sat early morning saw on TODAY a news about a bro donating his kidney to his elder sister. Very touched though I only scanned thru. It reminds me of me and my bro, we were like bickering since young, they were too. But still, family’s everything to a person, so I will do the same thing if I were the bro.
Met HL coincidentally at Clementi bus stop and took 184 to sch. So long since I stepped into NP again…like months ago before I started attachment. Went for a career talk, media and teaching track students together. So many changes to many ppl, even those who went for attachments. Some back from China de I don’t even recognise…they look like newbies to me! Haha~
Sometimes, it’s funny how when u become best friends with somebody, u overlook most of his/her weaknesses…u simply treat them as jokes even when they say sth bad.
Yet, if you were only normal/“slightly-better-than-normal” friends with this person and he/she did sth u看不顺眼的, u’re gonna get kind of pissed off, be it only a casual remark.
For me, if I see the “bad” side of a person before becoming better friends with them, I would take the step back. Well, on the surface I can still “he-he ha-ha” with them, but deep down I’ve already drawn a line to that friendship. It stops here and it’s not going anywhere closer/further/deeper.
CHS teachers gave us an intro to the careers we can expect. It’d occur to me as being a freelancer, but it’s a sad fact that Singapore still emphasizes a lot on getting a U degree. It kind of dawn on me, if I shld pursue the U degree (most possibly boring courses) or start work after my poly life. *cross junction*
ZL said Big boss XD oso there…in the front rows with his daughter…haha. 1hr concert, S.H.E sang all the songs from their new album + 魔力. 1st song sung was “Boom”, they weren’t sexy la…but appreciate the efforts they put in their dance. Then “五月天”…wow…Hebe hit the high notes, though bit diff from CD’s lol. After that, I can’t rmb exact order but songs like “借口”、“听袁惟仁弹吉他”、“中国话”、“伦敦大桥垮下来”、“好心情Just Be Yourself”、“说你爱我”were sung. You guys shld hear Ella rap live…really gd! Though she’s suffering from little flu (she admitted on stage), she still did well. Hebe sprayed the left side of her hair red (cos later during press con her hair went all black), and I thought when she danced “中国话”, her steps looked awkward whilst the other 2 were fine, dunno why haha… They cracked a lot, knew how to make the audience laugh and were indeed bubbly. Threw huge balls down to the floor while singing…lol. There was also a funny version of “中国话”MV being shown, whereby 3 staffs posed as them in the MV.
2 things I got to mention: Firstly, “谢谢你的温柔”was sung by only 3 of them. For the guys part, they did wonderful harmony…their voices really blended well. Next, before singing“老婆”, there were videos of them saying what the word “wife” means to them… Selina and Ella sort of cried. On the stage, the 3 did the 六手联弹…amazing though Ella admitted she did wrong for a part. Well, later at the press con they explained among 3 only Ella haven’t learnt piano before, so she basically can’t read those “beansprouts” and all Ella did was to “die memorise” the parts she played.
Highlights of the press con:
1. Ella said her flu was passed on to her by her sis, and she wakes up 3.30am to take her medicine.
2. Hebe was very worried about the piano part, starting of concert suddenly exclaimed “later got piano part o!”…Selina was laughing at her.
3. Ella confessed her relationship with her “gd friend” now at “paused” stage…both are busy with their work, it’s been sometime since they contacted. (Honestly, I wonder is it cos of Ella mum’s objection?)
4. Someone ask if Selina and Hebe if they are “rapping experts” now? They say they can only rap that 4 parts of rap in their song“中国话”.
5. Lucky Selina got to film MV with A-Shin and Lee Hom. She said after she knew that she could sing with Lee Hom, she told the other 2 to make them jealous~ Then she explained the song needed someone with sweet voice, went on to say:“Hebe那么狠,都不sweet。。。”Well, guess what? Hebe was defending herself by acting sweet…saying “Hello” all that…haha. (in fact she sounds more of childish~)
6. Ella亏Selina if she’s trying to go solo, after so many singing with other singers…LOL
7. Hebe couldn’t tell anything about her filming, but Ella was nice to buy a lot of things like suntan lotion, electric fan blah cos Hebe said filming under the hot weather’s killing her and the crew. Hebe added:“Ella说只要不演得比她好就ok~”…cos Ella now “idol-drama queen”!
8. They all wanna be “hot mums” after marriage. Ella joked about breast implant…Selina said it’s about being “in” with times, as in thoughts all that can’t be too “loc kok”.
Anyway, they were very cute and chatty. Screaming and laughing, “heck-caring” their images. Ella even screamed into the recorder~ later realise all caught on cam~ lol. After we went outside, some ppl took photos with them. *Alex’s gonna kill Jac cos she and her bf took photo with S.H.E!* I did got the urge to take photo with them too but refrained in the end.
Conclusion: This concert nt as high as Mayday’s rock concert, maybe cos it was only an hr and it’s a free one. Listening to S.H.E sing live nt bad though, makes me wanna sing too~lol. I know why so many ppl like them le…they dun put on airs and are really siao at times…lol.
*Hebe said “Don’t look at a half-filled glass as “Huh? Only half left ah?” but “Heng ah!
Still got half left.” She used Coke as example, haha. Yes, I’m trying to look at satisfactions from this pt of view.*
*rRandom tThoughts: Don’t take my trust for granted…cos when I sense that, I’m only going to greatly dislike u.*
Conclusion: This concert nt as high as Mayday’s rock concert, maybe cos it was only an hr and it’s a free one. Listening to S.H.E sing live nt bad though, makes me wanna sing too~lol. I know why so many ppl like them le…they dun put on airs and are really siao at times…lol.
*Hebe said “Don’t look at a half-filled glass as “Huh? Only half left ah?” but “Heng ah!
Still got half left.” She used Coke as example, haha. Yes, I’m trying to look at satisfactions from this pt of view.*
*rRandom tThoughts: Don’t take my trust for granted…cos when I sense that, I’m only going to greatly dislike u.*