Childish people, foolish acts
Felt sleepy today, but I’m in kind of good mood.
Cos ppl praise me for writing gd article…I’m really easily affected by words.
People always say don’t let words affect u that easily, but it’s always said easier than done. I can’t do it. So ppl, be careful with ur words said to me next time…cos I’m a thinker and “reflector”, which means I interpret a lot into sth. Haha~
Saw the news about “blogger war” on Wan Bao. Decided to go youtube watch that video Steven Lim put up to rebut XiaXue.
Conclusion after watching that 8mins: I know why ppl hate him now.
Besides being full of vulgarities (which I hate), he’s spoken eng simply…can’t make it. He’s repeating and saying the same things over and over again…he didn’t have to make that vid so long-winded in fact, simply a 3mins one would do. Of cos, I wouldn’t deny that the “怨气”in him is very strong…
Xiaxue’s blog isn’t any better, I don’t understand why she had to拉其他人下水besides being disgusting herself. Another reason might be that she’s so bored that she’s got ample time to analyse others. Her discussions are way too大胆…sad that she gained fame in this way. People are born to criticise huh?
Both of them are real childish ppl. One already old, one nt getting any younger, yet they can 掀口水战simply by picking on others. I’m not saying that ppl can’t have“赤子之心”but “childish ppl” can be categorised into 2 types: 可爱的幼稚or作呕的幼稚.
Both of them belong to the latter, though XX’s better in terms of look. (Well, at least she took the effort to do plastic surgery right!?)
Not saying that I’m mature, but at least my childish-ness不至于让人讨厌. Some friends ard me might behave childishly, but not yet to the extent whereby I can’t stand them. If I really受不了了, I would be open about it.
Another thing, I’ve visited STOMP’s website quite a few times. Those stompers are like everywhere…suddenly feel like SG’s becoming unsafe…unless u’re a 100% upright citizen. *Just now back home saw a lady munching tidbits on train.* Some news are really nth to fuss about…guess ppl are too bored. Yeah, some of u might say these stompers provide us with interesting news and all (yeah, I agree) but THINK: What if you were the target in the photos? 你还笑得出来吗?It feels like now u got to be extra cautious if u were to do sth bad in public, including nt giving up ur seats to pregnant/old lady on public transports. UNLESS u’re the type who can睁一只眼,闭一只眼 and make sure ur heart condition remains fine when one day you saw your pic appearing in some snaps on STOMP, and still bother to think if u look pretty/handsome there. *faints*
*Jac’s back of tee: “Get Fresh with Us”…LOL*