*내일 working le~ jiayou!*

Hero and Xiah were so funny in "Ontama Unreleased cut". The host asked "What is the definition of 'man' to DBSK?" and Hero replied "Xiah." He did the "manly expression" he tot Xiah had 6yrs ago lol! Look at Xiah's expression at 00:37~ like "Ah Beng" la lol. And starting from 00:53... see how“激动”Hero gt: "It's me~ Jae Joong!!!" Lol.

Watched SUJU on Star King ysd. They have been onto quite a few epsiodes since their comeback. I love the show really, very entertaining.

Korean lesson today learnt about using Sino and Pure Korean numbers... ooh I'm so mixing them up haha. Can't even memorise which is which yet lol. Somehow, I think Korean lang is easy to learn... if u practise a lot of cos. We can sure get it with more practice. I'm starting to realise I can read better than I write liao... cham haha. Cos Korean characters sometimes borrow their读音from the last consonant/vowel in the previous character... so it sounds diff when we read them fast haha. Dun understand wat I'm saying? Nvm cos these words are meant for my own reference nia lol.
