The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
Lunch went with VCF ppl cos I heard that CP's transferring to another department soon. I saw Andrew and Comm Chest ppl at the same coffee shop haha. I had dried "mee hoon guey" ($3.50)... bad taste. Nt nice at all... I waited for so long and the stupid uncle actualli said: "Why eat dry one? Dry one nt nice de." Lol... whr gt ppl say the own food they sell nt gd piang. Waited for like 15mins for my dish... and I tot it was $2.80... cos it's written on the board mah. Then he said $3.50 for dry one. OMG... so sian lor... food already卖相难看still so ex. Won't go back again.Well, the dried mee hoon guey near my house here at Blk 490+ is delicious... and only $2.50 la!
Watched "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring" ysd night till halfway, and finished it today. The whole movie (DVD extended edition) was more than 3hrs!

Basically it's about a ring made by the Dark Lord Sauron, it was an evil ring filled with desires. Most human, elves, orcs, hobbits, dwarfs etc tat came near it would have the strong desire to own it... for they could control the world with one ring. Sauron was killed by Prince Isildur in a war, and the prince took the ring, but did nt destroy it. After many yrs, it was passed on to Frodo Baggins (Elijah Wood) by Bilbo Baggins. Frodo had to see to tat the ring is destroyed. He was accompanied by 8 others on his journey to Mordor, and they formed "The Fellowship of the Ring".
An ensemble cast... kinda seldom tat we see it in movies. Gandalf The Grey was a wise old man... I liked his presence in the movie as the so-called "guardian" role. Aragorn (nt the big spider in HP movie lol), aka Strider, is really 1 swordsman... woo I loved the "big bro" spirit, hope to see him more in part 2 and 3! Legolas (Orlando Bloom) is simply... beautiful lol. Gimli the dwarf is so funny when u see him bicker with Legolas haha. Oh and few lines of his were funny too. I rmbed one scene whereby Lady Galadriel asked wat he wants from her, as a parting gift b4 they left Elven realm of Lothlórien, he asked for "1 strand of her golden hair"... and he was escalated cos she "gave him 3 strands" LOL! Think most of the humour came from another hobbit, Peregrin Took (Pippin). This guy was kind of stupid... and so stupid yet funny jokes came out from his mouth haha. The humour toned down the mostly tensed up atmosphere in the movie. As for Frodo (Elijah Woods)... I tot this young lad had quite a beautiful face too, and his eyes can "talk"... they showed fear and anger very well.
Couldn't help but compared it to "Harry Potter" somehow. I know it's not totally comparable but still... haha. "Elf-ish" lang is used among the elves, whereas in HP... "parsel-tongue" is heard. I think the thing about "alien lang" in fantasy movies is sth that attracts me. Another thing that attracts me would be电影的不真实吧. I'm so used to reality... definitely need to "escape" to the "realms-impossible" at times lol.
Thumbs up. Effects were all nice. Could understand the movie even with little reference to wikipedia haha.
Rating: 4/5*I get fed up and upset when ppl go against me. Maybe I shld weigh purpose against friendship against money properly. I admit tat I dun bear to part with more (when it could actualli be less imo), and the tension felt at tat pt of time pushes me to insist even more on my pt. (我认了啦... 我不喜欢输的滋味。) It's contradictory. Up... down... up... down... flat. I give in, usually haha. 反正难得有机会嘛. *