Saw this vid of Nick Khun自弹自唱-ing the song "Don't Wanna Try" during 2Pm's fanmeeting session in Japan (I assume it was haha~). He's nt the one singing in the grp usually, so I tot this performance is quite nice. Btw ppl, he's a Thai... 88-er. Somehow he looks a bit like Edison from afar, oh and esp that smile during 01:26.
Oh yeah... Missy YB needs help! Her self-designed blog (http://amourchaleur.com/) was entered into this "Best WordPress Design Awards", under the "Best Hand-drawing style" category. Ppl do help to vote ba... only can vote once per I.P. add hehe.
Watched "武侠梁祝" at night.

Wu Chun's the most muscular梁仲山I've seen so far lol... and oso the mandarin wierdest haha... due to his accent la lol. *K la... he's gt both "masculine charm" and "feminine beauty" haha~* His accent oso made this show kinda "modern" haha. This movie is kinda funny... seeing梁仲山and祝言之doing stupid actions lol. Like their "couple action" is言之knocking her forehead lightly onto仲山's fist lol. Somehow, I tot if this movie wasn't supposed to be funny, then maybe胡歌more suitable for the role of梁仲山ba, rather than马承恩haha.
Btw, Harlem's role is super funny. He invented this“龟息丹”that can let one "fake death". 言之took it during her wedding and she was dead. However, Harlem's role din live to go back and tell仲山about it, so仲山tot she was really dead at the funeral. I think the scene whr he and承恩fought, with the backgrd music and tear's rolling down言之's face (cos the“龟息丹”is made in a way tat the "dead person" can't move but can hear everything ard)... kinda saddening. *Reminds us of the tragedy bet Romeo and Juliet yeah?* In the end, 仲山died of serious injury...言之woke up during the burial. She chose to die with him... cos“蝴蝶应该是成双成对的。”
梁山伯&祝英台's story is, and forever will be a love tragedy. It's saddening, but it's a story passed down... haha sad so ppl get touched easily mah. Personally, I prefer the later part of the movie... esp the fighting scene... 真的牵着观众的心啊.
Rating: 3.75/5