Photocopying the MPS certs the whole day in office.
So stressed when u are printing like 300++ copies of cert using a shared printer... YC was standing there and sorta“暗地里不爽”about me霸占-ing the printer. Well, it's nt as if I want to... Alice need them urgently. So for the rest of the 766 copies of certs, I printed them while most of the staff went out for lunch.
Brought Chicken Ra-myeon and ate in office. Deborah's taking half day off and she smell my food... haha made her hungry. She told me it smells like corn soup... and she loves Kimchi too. Some other colleagues walked past and were like: "Whoa... smells nice! Somebody bought mushroom soup?" Lol... and one of them popped over at my desk to take a look haha.
Stuck in the photocopier rm the whole day... and this stupid photocopier kept on paper jam too... idiot. The day is boring in the rm ok... no net to use haha.
*Yeah, I gt really nice colleagues. So shld I go for the BBQ at East Coast nex fri?*
Oh yeah, saw WT on my way to口福during lunch time. She's on her way to Warner Music, interviewing for promotion's assistant position. Ah I liked her checker-ed scarf. (K... is that a scarf?)
Met QW at JEC in the evening. Saw some checker-ed clothes there and I gt one with a bit of checker-ed on it de shirt ($8). The stall reminded me of shops in工联leh... cos oso owned by 2 China ladies. One of them's from辽宁. I heard another China customer trying to bargain price somemore... haha.
I gt another black vest ($27) at This Fashion. QW superb sia... she tailored her own coat into a vest leh! Somemore she told me the short-sleeve top she's wearing today was originally a long-sleeve one... her mum tailored until so nice la.
Then, we walked thru the Pasar Malam and went to IMM. Had Ajisan's pork curry ra-men set... quite nice o. QW had the octopus dry ra-men. Chatted a lot about SUJU, DBSK and work there.
*Hey yeah! Production company I'd like to try it out for a few days if I could.*
We went to Daiso... QW taught me some things about applying nail colours, her bro and sister's craze in magnetic earrings (I bought 1 pair too hehe!), and hw her eyelashes gt so long nowadays! So, I gt an eyelash nutrient ($11.60) from The Face Shop). Haha... she told me how she did hairspray and her hair hardened almost immediately lol! Maybe I shall start with hair gel then.
*I love learning from friends... gaining new knowledge is a great thing.*
So, I spent quite a lot... even though I didn't earn as much as QW did (she OT earn like siao la!).
Still, I think that looking nice is a kind of respect to others, as well as to yourself.
If u think u look gd, nt only do u feel gd, others most probably do, too.
*Ah... chemical peeling... I no $$$ to do.*
So stressed when u are printing like 300++ copies of cert using a shared printer... YC was standing there and sorta“暗地里不爽”about me霸占-ing the printer. Well, it's nt as if I want to... Alice need them urgently. So for the rest of the 766 copies of certs, I printed them while most of the staff went out for lunch.
Brought Chicken Ra-myeon and ate in office. Deborah's taking half day off and she smell my food... haha made her hungry. She told me it smells like corn soup... and she loves Kimchi too. Some other colleagues walked past and were like: "Whoa... smells nice! Somebody bought mushroom soup?" Lol... and one of them popped over at my desk to take a look haha.
Stuck in the photocopier rm the whole day... and this stupid photocopier kept on paper jam too... idiot. The day is boring in the rm ok... no net to use haha.
*Yeah, I gt really nice colleagues. So shld I go for the BBQ at East Coast nex fri?*
Oh yeah, saw WT on my way to口福during lunch time. She's on her way to Warner Music, interviewing for promotion's assistant position. Ah I liked her checker-ed scarf. (K... is that a scarf?)
Met QW at JEC in the evening. Saw some checker-ed clothes there and I gt one with a bit of checker-ed on it de shirt ($8). The stall reminded me of shops in工联leh... cos oso owned by 2 China ladies. One of them's from辽宁. I heard another China customer trying to bargain price somemore... haha.
I gt another black vest ($27) at This Fashion. QW superb sia... she tailored her own coat into a vest leh! Somemore she told me the short-sleeve top she's wearing today was originally a long-sleeve one... her mum tailored until so nice la.
Then, we walked thru the Pasar Malam and went to IMM. Had Ajisan's pork curry ra-men set... quite nice o. QW had the octopus dry ra-men. Chatted a lot about SUJU, DBSK and work there.
*Hey yeah! Production company I'd like to try it out for a few days if I could.*
We went to Daiso... QW taught me some things about applying nail colours, her bro and sister's craze in magnetic earrings (I bought 1 pair too hehe!), and hw her eyelashes gt so long nowadays! So, I gt an eyelash nutrient ($11.60) from The Face Shop). Haha... she told me how she did hairspray and her hair hardened almost immediately lol! Maybe I shall start with hair gel then.
*I love learning from friends... gaining new knowledge is a great thing.*
So, I spent quite a lot... even though I didn't earn as much as QW did (she OT earn like siao la!).
Still, I think that looking nice is a kind of respect to others, as well as to yourself.
If u think u look gd, nt only do u feel gd, others most probably do, too.
*Ah... chemical peeling... I no $$$ to do.*