National Day 08
*Why can't I seem to find a job that satisfies me?* 

Finished“换换爱”this show. Quite nice a show... but Mike He seems to be "stuck" in the kind of "defiant and overbearing" male roles in dramas. I can't to see him portraying another side of him, besides being "naughty and sexy" haha.杨丞琳is cute... even if she made those鬼脸 haha. I wanted her to be with霍彦in the show so much! Sadly,真蒂loves霍达. Why is it that I see Kingone always being the "2nd lead"? He can't seem to win the female lead's heart everytime lol. Well, both Kingone and Mike are handsome... juz不同类型的帅.
Rating: 3.5/5
Oh yeah, jus finished watching NDP too. The rain this yr seems heavier than past years. *What does this signify?* I loved the“黑骑士”planes' performance... so shiok! Hady and Joi's singing together "Shine for Singapore"... marvellous~ I loved it.
I like this new singer from Taiwan... his song gt小品feel. Nt gonna intro his songs here but juz listen to卢广仲模仿Vitas唱“Opera #2”的表演...包你们笑翻! LOL~

Rating: 3.5/5
Oh yeah, jus finished watching NDP too. The rain this yr seems heavier than past years. *What does this signify?* I loved the“黑骑士”planes' performance... so shiok! Hady and Joi's singing together "Shine for Singapore"... marvellous~ I loved it.
I like this new singer from Taiwan... his song gt小品feel. Nt gonna intro his songs here but juz listen to卢广仲模仿Vitas唱“Opera #2”的表演...包你们笑翻! LOL~