七月幽情 & 周初明
Kinda busy ysd. Was planning up on my 2nd hand stuff selling blog. MY helped with the website's layout... thks la!
As for the English novel competition... gt to give up le ba. Deadline's on 30th Aug, and this morning I had some inspiration... but gave up when I finished 700+ words. Couldn't carry on... inspiration dead halfway haha. *还是继续写我的中文小说吧。*
I dled all 20 episodes of“原味的夏天”but gave up watching (just like hw I gave up on“恶作剧之吻”)! Roy looks super tanned inside... but with that金发of his... he doesn't look tat gd, to me. Anyway, I oni caught less than an episode haha... tats Roy confessing to杨千霈lol. Can't rate the show.
As for the English novel competition... gt to give up le ba. Deadline's on 30th Aug, and this morning I had some inspiration... but gave up when I finished 700+ words. Couldn't carry on... inspiration dead halfway haha. *还是继续写我的中文小说吧。*

Rating: 3.25/5
So, I went online to search for Chor Meng's stuff. Guess wat? I found贴吧for him on baidu leh! 6000+ 帖子in the bar haha. Those baidu China members put up his biodatas and photos of him... including his造型in diff dramas. Really gd-looking boy~没想到我以前年纪小小,“品味”就那么好啊! LOL. *He's 20yrs older than me sia!* Oso, I realise I love old TCS dramas... more古装and zombie/supernatural/suspense genres then.
Oh yeah! Wanna see more of the young and handsome Chor Meng? Go to this link... lotsa pictures~
Come to think of it, what if he's aTaiwanese who's in his early 20s nw? Confirm someone will ask him拍偶像剧la ! Too bad生不逢时... plus Mediacorp didn't "promote" him properly to Taiwan, like Fann and Christopher. 周初明的帅气和可爱,是和F4、东方神起、Super Junior非常不一样的。可能是因为我从6岁起就开始喜欢他的原因吧(小时候看人的方式不一样)? Juz wanna share some of his pics...帅的、可爱的、滑稽的、忧郁的都有.

Tonight gonna catch Olympics closing ceremony at 8pm.
Updates till tml then!