Get Smart

I think这是一部比较“小品类的动作影片”... mainly cos it's humourous, with some action-packed scenes.
I found the female lead super眼熟, but couldn't想起来是谁... juz thought she's pretty.
I liked how "smart" the male lead was haha.
Wouldn't comment on the storyline因为它成功地牵着我的鼻子走完了接近2hrs的时间...一点都不觉得过程浪费.
This is one funny movie...
It allows you to laugh, yet breathe properly in between, throughout successfully lol.
Rating: 3.5/5
HL told me sth today... and I asked myself: lead a life of happiness or meaning?
I belong to the latter, no doubt.
It's the environment I'm being born into, and my character... they juz dun allow me to exactly lead a "life of happiness".
是的,天真无邪的小孩子们可以暂时lead a life of happiness.
小小年纪就太懂事,早就不太相信life of happiness咯!
But even though "life of meaning" might nt be smooth-sailing in my opinion, but at least I get to lead a meaningful life isn't it?
*"Life of happiness"的潇洒、豁达不会属于我。反倒是"Life of meaning"的深思、深切教会了我很多。*