Met Michelle at 2.30pm, then her friend“阿爸”and gf Victoria came to drive us to NYP. We reached the outdoor auditorium at ard 3pm ba.... which was way early cos Milk's mini concert started at ard 5.45pm. Victoria and her bf went to have lunch while Michelle and I queued up. *Fan girls must have patience really.*
Then, ppl started gg in and Michelle have to help like 10+ ppl“霸”seats leh. The auditorium was kinda空in the beginning, but ppl started to fill in gradually. One side was filled with NYP Dance Club's members, another some sec sch students and I was in the 2nd row, in the middle. Before Milk came, NYP Dance Club members danced and I did see some guys who were kinda fair too... ah~
1st time I see Milk up-close in person. He looks 10 times better in person la! Very fair (skin tone) for a guy and unusually boyish-looking too! *Though he's 29yrs old this yr and gt a bit of胡须la.* Milk might be fair, but he's still "manly" I tot. His dance steps were so cool... the 540 degrees spin-turn and I love the dance steps for“热牛奶”... ultra cute and it made me move to the rhythm as well.
丁志勇's plump but I think the Bio-skin therapy worked for him ba... his skin condition seems better haha. They played game and I think one of the contestant was Michelle's friends and during one of the games, I passed my watch to them cos they need to gather items from audience. In the end, this lucky sec sch gal won a Nokia phone and had the chance to牵小指with Milk while he sang“倒数第二个男朋友”with her! He's super顽皮... and the gal was so shy. *Reminds me of Tank's RP sch concert when he sang with a fan girl too.*
*"PA" Polictics... hmm.*
Some pics Michelle took and I "goped" haha...
Pro-dancer Milk's倒立-定点!
Look at this "caring bro" and his "被吓坏"的younger sis lol~
After tat, “阿爸”, Victoria, Diana and another friend of Michelle's (PA for Zoe Tay) "zoomed" to阿爸's car real fast! Michelle and I were hurrying behind. 阿爸drove and suddenly, we realised we were behind Milk's PA car! OMG... Michelle said we had no intention to“追车”but竟然让我们“追”到了lol! They said Milk did wave to us when阿爸's car stopped beside their van. I didn't see though cos the van's windows were all dark!
We reached Mediacorp and queued up to go for “非常Superband”'s recording.This is the 1st time I watch a show live at Mediacorp studio. Saw JX and her reporter/editor there too, for some interview.
Those high-pitch ear screeching screams were making me super deaf! Even worse than Mayday's concert... but I'd rather have my ears for that.
At least I见识sth here... hw busy the producer/director is... he kept on running ard the whole place thruout... scared timing over-run blah... *But those 3 judges like heck care his hand signs ah?* I see how "packed" the timing is in-between intervals, how the hosts and competitors would get ready etc. Well, Milk came out to perform“脱逃术”and it's like so fast la! A blink of eye and he's gone liao.
I gt to say I'm kinda "strict" while watching the performances. Screamm and兔子were nt bad, but I preferred大风吹's lead vocal (singing wise). But I tot even Synpathy did better than the previous episode today... I actually liked the backgrd music even though the guy sung“爱情36计”'s chorus quite awfully. I realise I couldn't agree with the judges at times... eg: I think兔子's really独树一格in their "group packaging" but they need to do more practice in singing. Well, I dun expect to see a "star" in the bands now but I hope to see a local "star band" in future.
Sth I observed at the scene... eg: If you're a supporter of Screamm, u won't "scream" for the other 5 bands, even if their performances are better than Screamm's. A reason why I can't be a fan... cos I support gd music, fair and square. If I think the other bands play good music as well, I would still move to their music haha... and nt stand tat stiff. *Juz like how I dun usually support oni one member in a band, I prefer to love them as a whole lol. But of cos, I can be死心眼 too... even if the idol I support cmi, I would still give them the louder cheer hehe.*
Anyway, we went to Founder肉骨茶to have dinner at 9+pm... the popular one where many overseas and local artistes like to go de... near Balestier market. *Michelle at 1st wanted to go Newton food centre to eat cos she tot Milk would be there lol.* Quite nice la but like a bit too much pepper lol. Btw, 油条plus肉骨茶is nice o! That meal costed me near 10bucks... kinda ex.
Oh well... as an audience, I'm very passive in my role.
If I have more chances in future, I don't want to remain in that same seat again.
I wanna be more "active" haha... nt as in a "crazy fan" but some one like a reporter... who can interview the contestants/artistes like a pro lol!
Furthermore, I know myself too well.
I can't be a "real fan". 我会很不称职的,真的。
又没具备追星族的耐力和“hyper lung powers”;
I would prefer my idol (or any other artiste) to really "hear" me when I'm talking. So the best way is thru interview! Plus I can see them up close easily (if u're an entertainment reporter la)! Oh and since I'm nt those兴奋kind of fans, it would be best if I could sit down and chat with the other party haha... like to a friend.
这方面嘛,我敢保证自己绝对不会被Bob“海扁”HAHA! Cos Bob said before if he saw any journalist who get too excited during an interview and forget what's called "professionalism"... he will "K" him or her haha!
This is "classic" haha! Ady and Kunda kissed at YES93.3FM's爆唱会~
The vid below is sth I found very funny and creative! Sung by 2 DJs from Yes 93.3 FM,周崇庆 & 萧嘉蕙, the song is entitled: “我的家就在这里”... OMG~ I burst into laughter and really found my sense of belonging to SG man! Have a great laugh ppl!