The Dark Knight
Met HL at Lot 1 and we had Ajisan for dinner. The outlet here isn't as gd as the one at IMM hmph. Anyway, Ajisan's red bean flavoured ice-cream pancake ($3.30) was delicious! 2 of us moved on to catch "The Dark Knight" cos the papers and friends ard us were "praising this movie to more than just sky high" haha.
What a dark knight.
Batman isn't enjoying the same honourable privilege as his "buddy hero figures" like Spiderman and Superman.
Unlike Spiderman and Superman, Batman doesn't have extraordinary powers of his own... but he has $$$. He relies heavily on money to give himself "powers". *幸好他有钱,加上那一般人所没有的智慧,不然Batman就不会存在了。*
Batman is Bruce, and Bruce is human as well. Sane, so he does let the heart rule his head at times.
However courageous and thoughtful he is, the public doesn't see Batman as a "hero".
So, who's the culprit who gave the public the wrong impression about Mr Bruce?
To a large extent: Joker.
This creature, he's insane.
I almost had a soft spot for Joker in the beginning of the movie when he told about his abusive childhood, but later it turned out that he might have created those "worth-pitying-over-for" stories on his own.
Joker and Batman.
He played "rule-less" and ruthless while the latter had to uphold justice and abide by the laws.
Joker chose to only see the ugly side of people, nt Batman.
Well, Joker could be out of his minds, to push Batman to the limits.
But this big, baddie character in the show pushed us, audience, to reflect as well.
There's this scene in the movie whereby 2 cruise boats were being planted bombs by Joker and they have the chpice to push a button off the remote and let the other boat of ppl die 1st, before Joker explodes both cruise at 12am.
I was already telling HL that I'd push the button if I happened to be one of the victims in the cruise. I'm selfish, I don't wanna be the one to sacrifice, so yeah. Of course, I got a little bit of disagreement with that part of the show... showed us that ppl are a bit "too kind" isn't it? Haha.Gary Oldman as Lt. James Gordon
Aaron Eckhart as Harvey Dent/"Two-Face"
100/100 for the story plot. I loved it.
*1st time HL wasn't really drooling over handsome blondie guys *usually* in the theatres haha.*
Christian Bale's fit man! Gary Oldman's convincing and Aaron Eckhart's "two-faced man" was an additional plus pt to that show haha. Singaporean actor Ng Chin Han's role as a small villain deserves some credit too. Edison mah... yeah at least he's gt a line haha.
Who did I missed?
Heath Ledger!
Nt on purpose, nt because he's dead.
But it's true that baddie Joker caught my eye a little bit more than "goodie" Batman on screen.
For that eccentric-ness, for that *I-find-it-cheeky-instead-of-eerie" laugher, for "silent-killing" jokes he makes.
Heath Ledger's death certainly caught the headline at some pt of time, but will nt hog the main page forever.
He portrayed Joker so well that it gives ppl goosebumps. The "saliva sound" that Joker always make still resounds in my head now lol.
Thumbs up.Rating: 4.75/5 (Well, always give rm for improvement mah!)
PS: Ah... juz make sure I dun dream of Joker tonight, or any other nights! Lol.