2 job interviews in a day

Rating: 3/5
*Ah the dream about Chang Min... sweet hehe. Ah doi PH! Why muz u be in my dream!? LOL.*
Nowadays those companies dun reply fast enough... I applied for jobs and it was nt until 3days later then they called to ask me down for an interview.
Asked Michelle to accompany me to this interview at Tanjong Pagar International Plaza. Reached early at 1.50pm, waited while a stuff (looks like temp) attended to us 10mins later. I reached then know that "S H Ng Management Services" is actually an accounting firm la! *rmbs the accounting stuff YB told me...* The stack of audit files, bookkeeping files is thick lor.
Typed in MS excel and word. Honestly, I have no prob with Words la but Excel... those function stuff is making me giddy. Plus it's all about numbers... god! I gt to admit I'm nt a meticulous enough person to work in an accounting firm lol. By the time the person give us the employment form, I told her I gt to rush le. It was already 2.55pm and I have another interview at 3pm! She gave me that kind of "Ah?" awakward look lo. Michelle filled in the forms, then gt another woman interviewed her and they offered her $1400, but she said too low... $1500 then ok. Mins later, she received call say they want her le... but 1st wk of work would be paid $6/hr cos probation period. *预感告诉我在这间公司工作压力会很大,是我的话,八成一个星期的试用期都会失败(say bye-bye~)哈哈!* Michelle's considerin this job atm... if ok nex Mon start work le.
*Lesson learnt: rmb to ask what type of company it is before heading down for an interview.*
Reached Outram Park control at 3.10pm. Inspiration Design School is near Crystabelle Pub. *Caroline reminds me a bit of Joanne Peh haha.* Filled in forms and gt interviewed by Angie. Seems quite a nice woman. Asked me about Chinese Studies (many dunno bout my course), China immersion, work as journalist and why I wanna work as an admin. Haha... I already prepared my ans la: "Compared to journalist, nt as demanding, nt as stressful with regular working hrs." Saw my CCA Gold award cert... I told her about Astronomy blah lo. After my self-intro (she told me to at the start of the interview), she started telling me about the job as an Admin Coordinator there. A lot to do sia... handle students enrolment, intro about the sch to customers, chase sch fees, take minutes during boss meeting even. Shift work... 9.30am to 6pm or 12.30 to 9pm. Alt Sat have to work 9am to 4pm too. Angie did emphasised that the school is small *yeah looks small too lol*, so a lot of things have to"亲力亲为", she herself is marketing cum admin staff. At the end of the interview, she told me she's "very happy" with me, but cos the boss nt in today, she asked me to go down tml to meet the boss in person. The pay offered is $1300-$1500 while I asked for $1600. Angie asked if I could negotiate and at that pt of time (when the whole interview气氛这么愉快), I say can lo (inside my heart I tot "can negotiate... but even higher pay I want" haha).
*Come to think of it, HL's admin job is easier but with the same range of pay. I'd rather work hers.*
To be honest, I'm nt the kind of person who goes for money like YB. She admit that she took Acc in poly cos she wanted to work as an auditor, hopefully, and earn like 5K a mth by the time she reaches 30yrs old... and yeah auditors can earn this much, and even more.
I go for interest. If this is a job that I am very interested in, be it stressful or nt, I think even 1.2K I would be willing to take. It's the experience that counts for me. If however, it's sth like admin (which I dun exactly hav interest in), I would衡量 to see if the salary "equals" to the amt of effort I have to put in my job lol. So I've concluded that at this stage of life... if I were to take up an admin job, I will find those contracted ones. At least, I have an idea "when the job's gonna end" lol! *It makes me happier really!* Plus I will try for uni again nex yr, so a contract job seems to suit me better.
*到目前为止,我都在为了兴趣而赛跑。虽然不想承认,但我的确也有经济方面的困难,所以有时候不得不just settle down for a job. 可是我想,我还是会把“兴趣”摆在“金钱”前面。*
*突然想当补习中心、学校的补习老师eh... 不想真的当中学/小学那种全职老师,but at least我对这类工作比做admin有兴趣。Admin mah...我最大的兴趣就是data entry吧LOL.*
Rushing off to watch “Every1.偶像军团的出动!她”hosted by SUJU members (Lee Tuek, Ye Sung, Sung Min, Shin Dong, Eun Hyuk and Kang In)... hilarious show! Oh and also "The Contender Asia"... last or last 2nd episode le.