Driving lessons

was the 1st word that came to my mind while watching "Driving Lessons".
Actually I had planned to catch it in the theatres, but since it was available online... then why nt? Haha.
Ben Marshall (Rupert Grint) came from a Christian family. He's gt a over-bearing mum, who's so in control of his life... who assumed that Ben would oni be "safe and secure" when he's with her. She even forbids Ben to owe a handphone! "Mobile gives you cancer!" was her explanation. Ben's dad, on the other hand, seems somehow afraid of his mum though. So, 17.5yrs old Ben lives under lots of pressure.
Ben met Evie, a retired actress by chance. This woman... her mouth was full of "f" word in the beginning... which was somehow annoying for me. Ben worked as an escort for her, and she exposed Ben to the world of Shakespeares, camping, poetry and more. Futhermore, Ben get to experience real driving with her instead of when he was learning from his mum (he was always the passenger, reading up theories on his mum's car).
Oh well, I've always like Rupert as Ron in Harry Potter movies, for being "bloody humourous" lol.
But him as Ben... he seems kind of angry, a lot of times. Maybe it's his expression showing confusion... quite bland I thought. Still, I'm nt sure if I'm baised or it's juz wierd... Rupert managed to make Ben the character "alive". Maybe it's easier to act someone ard his age. I enjoy his "dumb-looking", blur look haha. Erm, regarding his first kiss in the show... wow it looked natural, as if Rupert's " already experienced" haha. *Well I don't know!* Anyway, he's really fair (skin tone wise)!
I thought Julie Walters (oso acted as Mrs Weasley in HP movies) outhshined Rupert by a bit. The eccentric-ness made the character, Evie, even more attractive. Evie taught Ben a lot, and helped him made a wise decision in life.
This driving lesson was a particularly useful one to Ben. He learnt to voice out his inner opinions.
And last but nt least, I enjoyed the background music that were being played in the movie... nice. Especially the instrumental version of "Auld Lang Syne" near the ending... puts ppl in a happy mood.
PS: I reckon if u aren't Rupert's fans (or someone who enjoys his acting, like me), then u might find this show a bit boring I guess haha.