*原来我的毛跟我的人相似... 才不过一次的打击,就几乎把它摧毁了~ lol.*

Found a clip of "Intimate Note" with SJ on it ysn. Hee Chuk and Eun Hyke is cracking me up with their cheongsam wear and dance~ Hee Chul looks esp stunning... I'm nt joking... he practically is a beautiful gal if he behaved more demure!

Oh I feel like getting the full set of DBSK's Pinky candies too... 60+bucks o. But right nw, I dun even hav tuition income cos suspended for the time being. Poor me... no $$$~

*My uni gals: 潘金莲、林黛玉、梁山伯、水蜜桃姐姐、蝴蝶姐姐、王菲、阿呆、大声姐、孙燕姿。。。报道!*

*Last 2 assignments... but I dun feel like doing eh.*

Juz saw this vid of Woo Young on one of the variety shows. He's doing like a sort of short clip for all the winning songs... and wat a cute bf lol!
