America's Next Top Model cycle 12
Met KY on the bus this morning, and we went sch together. There was a mini test during HC102's lect... hmm quite easy la. After which, Mr Ho told us about the exam format and wat to expect for HC201's exam too... *cham... haven revise.*
Went Student's Office to do the cert verification check with Michelle, MT, WT and SS. SS went home after tat, whilst the rest of us went to have lunch at the cafe for international students. Hmm... the western food was so-so. Lol Michelle's chicken/lamb chop looks super stiff and tough lol... she had a rather hard time chewing haha. And the bread is super hard one... diff to bite haha.
4 of us went lib to chit-chat after tat... no mood to revise nor do anything hwk-related.
Walked to Comm studies blk, and met WZ for COM415 lesson. Did my ppt... dunno wat I was saying... stutter quite a bit cos I wasn't very familiar with the article haha. *I'm one tat can't really talk well if I dun prepare haha.* Hmm WZ sent in our 1st draft to cher le... well at 1st he did compliment some of our引语运用得好, then later after some discussions, we realise there's still much to do~ alamak... he wants more angles and backgrd info! Seriously, this assignment is fierce. *I honestly feel like dumping everything aside le~ very lazy haha.*
Anyway, last guitar lesson juz nw. Nt as fun as the previous ones... cher taught us some kinda complicated de chords and strumming methods. *I felt like my fingers are "finger-tied" LOL.* We took grp photos... and well let's juz wait for him to send us!
Is in the mood to catch more of "ANTM" so pia finished cycle 12 in 2 nights haha.

Rating: 3/5
My 21st bday on 21st Oct... thk u ppl for ur msgs~ *Jaya, ur monkey bday song MMS was cute~ thks!*