Lymelife + 女人不坏
I'm blogging nw cos blogger's gt some prob earlier. Hate it sia.
HC101's lect notes for lect thur's morning came really late... so I asked PH to print for me. HC201's tut on fri...司马相如的“子虚赋”、“长门赋”and“上林赋”... a lot of things to read eh. I seriously hav no time to keep up with this module.
*Still thinking if I wanna go to COMEX IT show this coming wkend...*

Rating: 2.75/5
Watched "Lymelife" as well.

Scott的破裂家庭. Scott的爱情。一个成长的少年的故事...反映了灰暗的现实。
Din see the link with "lyme disease" though.
Rating: 3.25/5
HC101's lect notes for lect thur's morning came really late... so I asked PH to print for me. HC201's tut on fri...司马相如的“子虚赋”、“长门赋”and“上林赋”... a lot of things to read eh. I seriously hav no time to keep up with this module.
*Still thinking if I wanna go to COMEX IT show this coming wkend...*

Watched "Lymelife" as well.

Din see the link with "lyme disease" though.
Rating: 3.25/5