그 남자의 책 198쪽
“梦·阶梯”was my final vid done in poly, in Vid Pro module. This reportage is considered the best among our grp's 3 or 4 vids ba haha. Looking back at this, I do find technical flaws here and there, but then these couldn't kill our satisfaction. A nearly 5mins vid took us quite some time to film and edit, and put everything into one piece. Hard work and efforts were paid off when this final pdt came out~
*It's bad that I'm nw procrastinating sch work!*
Received an email on Weds night saying that I've won myself a pair of tickets to the F1 LG concert on thurs night (the nex day)! It was so last min but luckily I found SS, whose bf and her wanted to go haha. *SS checked online and a pair of tickets was being sold for $180 at the official site o!* So, I gave her the 2 tix, and she helped me collect them, as well as my $50 worth of CD hamper from Universal Music as well. Glad she enjoyed the concert though... with Sodagreen, DaMouth, Jacky Cheung and A-Mei!
WZ and I went down to Yishun FSC to do an interview with the director and senior social worker for COM415's feature writing assignment. Well, the infos might nt be very useful to us... we're stuck at how to use them in our feature though. *Tough*
Had dinner at Northpt. We had the student meal each ($6.40): a scoop of ice-cream, glass of drink and main dish. I had the tom yam noodle~ super delicious~ loved it!
Typed a bit of my interview in com juz nw. Jeez... headache juz by looking at it. WZ and I still hav to contact MCYS for stastics and to seek permission for use of their materials. Oh, we need one more photo of the senior worker too.
Caught "그 남자의 책 198쪽" (那个男人的书,198页), starring Lee Dong Wook and Eugene.

Rating: 3/5
*Stressed. It feels like I can't finish revision by the end of recess wk... cham le.*
“险·爱”was a narrative vid done b4 the reportage. *WX's rather natural on-screen o~ except for the "slap" lol.* I rmb the night shots vividly whr I had to be the camerawoman haha... run with the actors and actresses (making sure my hands din tremble)... kneeling down again and again to get the best angle etc. Gosh it was tiring, but fun nw we look back haha.
*It's bad that I'm nw procrastinating sch work!*
Received an email on Weds night saying that I've won myself a pair of tickets to the F1 LG concert on thurs night (the nex day)! It was so last min but luckily I found SS, whose bf and her wanted to go haha. *SS checked online and a pair of tickets was being sold for $180 at the official site o!* So, I gave her the 2 tix, and she helped me collect them, as well as my $50 worth of CD hamper from Universal Music as well. Glad she enjoyed the concert though... with Sodagreen, DaMouth, Jacky Cheung and A-Mei!
WZ and I went down to Yishun FSC to do an interview with the director and senior social worker for COM415's feature writing assignment. Well, the infos might nt be very useful to us... we're stuck at how to use them in our feature though. *Tough*
Had dinner at Northpt. We had the student meal each ($6.40): a scoop of ice-cream, glass of drink and main dish. I had the tom yam noodle~ super delicious~ loved it!
Typed a bit of my interview in com juz nw. Jeez... headache juz by looking at it. WZ and I still hav to contact MCYS for stastics and to seek permission for use of their materials. Oh, we need one more photo of the senior worker too.
Caught "그 남자의 책 198쪽" (那个男人的书,198页), starring Lee Dong Wook and Eugene.

*Stressed. It feels like I can't finish revision by the end of recess wk... cham le.*