Sec sch friends' gathering + Twilight
Sun evening gt gathering with HA, Jess, YL, Ben, YB and MH. Mths since I saw HA and YL, and yrs since I saw MH lol. Lucky still can recognise them sia haha. We had dinner at Shokudo pasta restaurant at Citylink. Ambience nt bad... but my pork curry pasta was bad haha. Very腻 I tot... dun like. However, Ben's green tea desert nice o. Oh yeah, we exchanged presents of cos, since this is a early Xmas gathering haha. Let's see if I can recall... YL gave sth like diary and pen to Ben; MH gave a "paper holder" to YL; Ben gave calendar to MH (so he can countdown to his ORD); HA gave cup/mug to Jess; Jess gave "panda-plug-tier" to YB; YB gave BodyShop shower set to me while I gave my set of coffee cup + towel to HA LOL. So fun exchanging presents... ah I look forward to more~
But of cos, shall show u guys what exactly Missy YB gt for me~ *lucky me~*

There's the cranberry (smells super nice) shimmer soap + shower gel + body lotion. Gotta use it soon if nt YB say she won't buy present for me anymore haha!
Things changed a bit... nw we talked about our future... a lot. HA's gg to Queensland University in Brisbane Feb nex yr... 3 yrs leh~ *HA, ur dead blog better "revive" by then, wanna see ur "blondie gf" ah~~~ Haha!* YL and Ben's still looking for temp job while waiting for entry to local uni. YL considering doing double degree if I'm nt wrong... jiayou ah! Jess leh... super enthu in introducing her Chem enginnering course to her "junior-to-be": MH haha. YB doing her acct course in uni of cos. Dunno y... my future jobscope seems to be the most diff among us... media. Others are all like Sci and business lol.
Oh yeah, MH's learning singing too! Hehe... we can go Kbox nex time la! Oh yeah, this rich guy... bought a long-sleeve chaquered collar-shirt from Zara... 90bucks leh!

*相聚的感觉很好,有话聊更好~ 大家一定要保持联络!*
After dinner, headed to Marina to look for movies. No time slot that suitable for us. So, we gt ticktes for "Twilight" at Jurong Point (9.35pm). On the train to JP, we chatted about sec sch life of cos... lol. Some sec 1 stuffs YL and HA still rmb sia~ Jess gt curfew, so she didn't went with us~ a pity, really haha... cos the movie is very nice!

Short summary I gt from Yahoo! Movies:
But of cos, shall show u guys what exactly Missy YB gt for me~ *lucky me~*
Things changed a bit... nw we talked about our future... a lot. HA's gg to Queensland University in Brisbane Feb nex yr... 3 yrs leh~ *HA, ur dead blog better "revive" by then, wanna see ur "blondie gf" ah~~~ Haha!* YL and Ben's still looking for temp job while waiting for entry to local uni. YL considering doing double degree if I'm nt wrong... jiayou ah! Jess leh... super enthu in introducing her Chem enginnering course to her "junior-to-be": MH haha. YB doing her acct course in uni of cos. Dunno y... my future jobscope seems to be the most diff among us... media. Others are all like Sci and business lol.
Oh yeah, MH's learning singing too! Hehe... we can go Kbox nex time la! Oh yeah, this rich guy... bought a long-sleeve chaquered collar-shirt from Zara... 90bucks leh!
After dinner, headed to Marina to look for movies. No time slot that suitable for us. So, we gt ticktes for "Twilight" at Jurong Point (9.35pm). On the train to JP, we chatted about sec sch life of cos... lol. Some sec 1 stuffs YL and HA still rmb sia~ Jess gt curfew, so she didn't went with us~ a pity, really haha... cos the movie is very nice!

The female lead, Bella Swan's mother remarries and sends her to live with her father in the little town of Forks, Washington. She meets the mysterious and dazzlingly beautiful Edward Cullen. Love at 1st sight took place bet a human and a vampire. To Edward, Bella is that thing he has waited 90 years for - a soul mate. But the closer they get, the more Edward must struggle to resist the primal pull of her scent, which could send him into an uncontrollable frenzy.
Basically, the Cullen's family is a grp of "goodie vampires". They are "vegetarians", meaning to say that they only drink blood from animals. Bella's appearance in Forks town led to the beginning of the story. I thought the way Edward acted was indeed wierd, and how he confessed was kinda... abnormal as well haha. Still, teenage romance bet. the impossible is fanscinating to us.
Basically, the Cullen's family is a grp of "goodie vampires". They are "vegetarians", meaning to say that they only drink blood from animals. Bella's appearance in Forks town led to the beginning of the story. I thought the way Edward acted was indeed wierd, and how he confessed was kinda... abnormal as well haha. Still, teenage romance bet. the impossible is fanscinating to us.
Technically, this movie isn't gd enough, as compared to Harry Potter. Nt much special effects, few action scenes as well. But, the plot is still rather attractive. With no subtitles (cos it's a sneak preview I guess), YB felt some scenes did gt boring, but nt to me at all. I thought it's the 1st movie and the director has no choice but to do some交待-ing to audience who doesn't know what's gg on (except for lucky ppl like YL who has already read the books like yrs ago haha). Luckily, the Eng accent was kinda ok though.
Actor wise... I think Dr.Carlisle Cullen (Peter Facinelli) is more gd-looking than Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson) hehe. Pattinson's handsome might attract more fan girls screaming... probably cos he's a lot younger. Bella Swan (Kristen Stewart) reminds me quite a bit of Emma Watson from some angles! And they are both super young... 90-ers. She's pretty... and with gd acting skills too.
Checked up and saw that the caucasian guy who acted as Jasper Hale was actualli born in SG! He looks cute. Oh nt to forget an Asian guy who looks like Zax Wang when he smiles haha.
Rating: 3.75/5
I can't wait to get my hands on the books series by Stephanie Meyer... but it seems like none is available from NLB. YL said it's alright to start reading from book 2, but I want book 1! He's lent his to his friend~ Anyone gt "Twilight"? Do lend "hungry Snowman" who's craving for the book nw~