JB trip since 3mths ago~

*Xiah & Micky~ what r u guys doing!? Yoosu couple... so cute haha. Eh... whose“咸猪手”ard Micky?*
The last time I went JB was in Sep 08 haha.
*I'm so gonna make a big "hoo-haa": HL wore long skirt o~ so feminine sia~*
Fri night met HL at Causeway pt, ard 7pm. We took 950 to the custom, then stuck at the checkpt.人山人海sia... we all squeeze like siao. Waited for like 20mins b4 we gt past the checkpt. Went down the escalator, queued up for bus into JB custom. Long long queue, and there were many厂车there, waiting for those Malaysian workers who were stuck at the checkpt. 20mins and still no SG bus in sight. HL and I decided to walk to the custom ourselves. Lucky us who left, cos by the time we reached the custom, still no bus 170. The night was breezy, but the traffic was kinda congested, and air pollution was quite bad.
By the time we reached City Square, it was already 9pm. Went ard looking for the push cart, Idol World, to buy my DBSK wall calendar. Found it, and they still have DBSK one. There's also Fahrenheit, Super Junior, Lollipop etc... each only one. RM18, but I thought 2009 pictures weren't as nice as 2008's. Still, I'm tempted to buy DBSK's ankle socks and table calender online.
*TWILIGHT already shown in Malaysia since 27th Nov! SG so slow sia~*
Found Vivo, American pizza and panini de place to eat. HL had baked fish pasta, I had some sort of seafood pasta and we shared the bits of fried chicken... oh so nice! There's even baked minced meat pasta (HL said WZ sure like!) sia. Special varieties there. When we left, already 10pm, and the Thai assistant boy smiled and said sth to us *I think sth in Thai* that we dun understand... lol... so juz bade gdbye lor. Shall make sure we've lunch/dinner there again nex time hehe.
By the time we came out of JB... only 10.30pm leh! HL said this is our shortest (duration) trip to JB... the travelling time spent in and out already more than 1.5hrs lol! Overnight at her house, slpt at 3+am, and woke up at 12pm. Sat had our lunch at Causeway pt and I went home. Did a bit of Xmas presents wrappping (mum helped~) be4 I went out for singing lesson.
Sang Tanya's "Beautiful love" onstage. I didn't “摇晃”as much, and nt as nervous today... might be due to the dim lighting. Was worried that I couldn't reach the low notes in the song, but surprisingly, with my "a-bit-of-blocked-nose", I still managed to handle that song haha. Alvin said I chose the right song, and Simon and him reckon that the low notes weren't a big prob for me, so meaning I shld use this song if I were to join in singing compeitions haha. Alvin commented pitching and beat was fine, juz that he didn't feel the emotions and the "punch" the voice shld show when the music did. Nevertheless, I felt I did a pretty gd job... phew.
*I'm so glad I saw ppl swaying to the song when I was singing hehe. *Oh yeah btw, Tom and whoever that摇晃when u were onstage, welcome to my "sway-left-and-right-club" LOL!*
Esther chose林志颖's“对望”... Alvin was telling her nt to choose a guy's song in future... simply too low for her. I thought Tom's“记得”was nice... he has the kind of voice that is popular in the musical scene right nw: high pitched, but with a bit of huskiness. Even Alvin commented that he liked Tom's voice. "Tall guy" sung萧煌奇(dunno how to write) de“你是我的眼”... really nice, emotional song. He suited the song, but a bit用力... Alvin said he lost control of his voice. Simon's“사라해오I Love You” dun really suit his voice.他唱得稍微用力了。Alvin told him to try Eason's“爱是怀疑”... great I'd love to hear him sing that!
Then, Alvin talked about歌曲处理again, about让观众产生共鸣感. I agree that one's voice muz 1st blend in with the music, and by creating层次感, diff feelings can be shown. So, our challenge nex wk would be the情感部分... the one I'm weakest in haha. 我们的“任务”是要唱得有层次感、有感情,甚至能打动台下的观众。I'm still deciding bet Stefanie's“我也很想他”and Penny's“街角的祝福”.
Had Ajisen for dinner at Tiong Bahru Plaza with Esther, oh the Tom Yam noodle... I'm getting sick of it liao lol. But, the red bean ice-cream pan cake was still as nice.
*If I were to have a husband like James Spring, I'd be very proud... cos he's a kind hero.*