Last day of work @ NCSS
*我一直都相信“言论自由”这种东西。在这里,我说的只有感想和实话。I don't lock my posts, and I think ppl hav the right to read and think the way they want about my words. Some ppl might share with others wat they read, but unfortunately... sometimes they "share the wrong stuff" and words get into my ears. Unhappy things can juz happen. 其实,看了、想了,就算了吧。要真想不通关于我文字的什么,可以直接问我的。Thanks.*
Went to work, feeling happy today. It's my last day of work at NCSS mah haha. Continued clearing my emails, replying to those VWOs/Charities, informing them my last day of work. Hmm... I guess I gt some new friends "thru the phone" lol. I mean ppl like Rebecca, Dennis and Ms Woo... they were the few I was in contact quite frequently during my job. To me, it doesn't matter if anything unhappy did happened during work, cos in the end, they will all still be resolved. Though I've nv met them, they seemed like kinda nice ppl to me. I thanked them for giving me the chances to "explore" into more areas of my work, esp when they enquire haha.
I was exploring rollar coaster sites in the morning. Suddenly gt the interest to find out about world's tallest rollar-coaster, the steepest drop, rollar coaster accidents etc. Showed PL some photos haha... and since she's gg Genting in Aug lol. I think rollar coasters look real fun but I dunno if I can really take those super exciting ones. I mean, some of the photos (looking at how steep the drops were) really scares me off haha.

Titan Rollar Coaster:
If I were on it, I would have been too busy with screaming and praying the thing comes to a stop soon ba LOL!
In the office, everything were "like normal" until lunch time. My CCF colleagues were like so enthu for lunch haha. They have gt AGM meeting later in the afternoon, so dun want to go so far for lunch. In the end, we settled for Zhi Char at the coffee shop again! *Yeah, it's my 3rd time eating tat haha!* William, Lynette, Regina, Constance, Eileen and HQ joined us for lunch. CP didn't cos he needed to rush work... but he'd wished me all the best in the morning haha~ happy hehe.The last one... saw my boss William's expressions? Lol... like he was saying sth very funny lol. The lady beside is Lynette (the one whom I said resembled Amy Smart in "Love n Dancing"... my colleague's really pretty o!). We had 5 dishes, including沙锅豆腐、酸甜鱼片、豆苗、咸蛋虾球and宫保鸡丁. I loved the sweet and sour fish slices and the salted egg prawn balls the most hehe. William asked how exactly I gt the LKS scholarship and I was like... talk lor haha! After my colleague's treat, we went to the market opposite to buy drinks. HQ, Constance and I went back to office 1st. *Hmm... I think Constance“不小心”说了一句“耐人寻味”的话:“Regina and Eileen去买东西,买什么。。。你等一下救懂了。” lol.*
Still very high went I gt back to office haha. Constance left me this surprise gift from her while I went to lunch (she came down later than me).It was actualli a voodoo doll for... *Eh Hem* HAHA! Seriously, after her choco and sweets for me, I din expect any more presents from her... haha anyway, Constance's a super friendly person. Since e 1st day I came in, I tot so liao haha.
Anyway, Lynette asked me to go over to her place all of a sudden. I saw all my colleagues gathered over there and I guessed they muz hav sth for me lol. A bouquet of lilies! Aren't they sweet ppl!? 1st time I recieved flowers from colleagues o~ I mean as a temp, I really dun expect sth so nice from my colleagues haha.
PLUS a holiday resort!? Haha... no la kidding. We simply took a grp photo at the balcony hehe. From left: William, the one behind sticking her head out is Constance, Eileen, HQ, me(alamak my face getting so round omg~), Lynette and Regina. PL's the photographer... thk u ah! Aiyah... forgt to take a pic of LZ, Judy, YH, Lynn and PL!!!
My word of thks...
Wiliam: Generous boss. Besides all those treats, he'd forgive if I made some mistakes while doing my work. Very patient, thks.
Constance: She's the "big sis" type of friend/colleague. She's the one who intro-ed me to the RAD family haha. Like talking to her cos it's funny hehe.
Eileen: Keeps giving me food one la. *Made me rounder liao la lol.*
HQ: At 1st I tot she's quiet, but once u get to chat and know her, u'd realise she's a very nice person. Looks very "obedient" haha... and very easy-going haha.
Lynette: I tot she looked like a "hamster" leh... very cute and pretty! *Hope u have a cute cute baby soon!*
Regina: My "An-na" za bor sis~ I like how crazy she is as a person haha... and how she doesn't look like a mum! Most imptly, I like her attitude towards work... humble and serious.
LZ: I like talking to her about movies haha... feels like we've a connection in movies somehow lol.
Judy: Joker la haha. Humourous and someone who has a mind of her own. She looks like one really gd gal neh... *Guys quick pick her up~ cos I think other colleagues of mine shld be either married/engaged/attached liao haha.*
YH: I din talk to her much, but she's a very outspoken person. Funny too.
Lynn: Oh she definitely looks the "demure" and gentle type of person! Reminds me of SY a lot.
And of cos other colleagues who'd helped me in one way or another... thk u!
Finished up some filing work for Eileen by 6.15pm, with PL's help. Then, 2 of us headed down to this Korean restaurant at Bukit Timah for dinner hehe. And guess wat!? It's actualli the Korean restaurant that T1M2 went for CNY/Christmas lunch together for during yr 1 or 2 I can't rmb haha. I didn't know what to order, and am fine with anything, so listened to "my secretary" PL lol. She took the order lor haha.
I liked the kimchi, ikan bilis and apple salad for the“前菜”s. The bibim bap is nt bad... but the one at JuShinJung's better haha. The last big pot u see is the chicken meat + cabbage BBQ (?)... oh this is tasty! All in all, we spent about $19 each.
Spent like 3hrs there... eating and talking. PL and I really投缘la. I think we already gt a lot to talk about since her 2nd day at NCSS haha. PL kept saying she's very shy one... very内向. *Lol~ me shy too leh, really.* I told her no one would believe her cos at 1st I tot we are kinda alike, rather outspoken. However, after some chats from family, to life, to friends, to love, to personalities etc... I reckon we are somehw very diff too. As in, we have diff, sometimes completely opposite views towards diff issues, yet somehow our thoughts dun "clash". I reckon our personalities were alike, but at diff pts of time. For example, I was quiet as a child, but chatty in poly. She's juz the opp lor haha.
很喜欢这样子聊天。和自己谈得来的朋友聊天。From our convo, I think the one I have the deepest impression *boss mah... selective memory hehe.* is... "Who are your best friends?"
小时候的我,和大家一样,会在autograph bk里写上这样的话:
“Best/gold/100% friends: xxx, xxx...
Good/silver/90% friends: xxx, xxx...
Normal/bronze/70% friends: xxx, xxx...
Enemies: ... (Hehe... no one b4 really. Wrote cos I was following suit la lol.)”
问你们:“Best friends,应该是/一定是一辈子的吗? Most of u would ans "No. But I do have friends that I stay besties up till nw."
关键是时间。我们不能保证best friend会是一辈子的。他们就是在一段时间里出现在你的生命里,支持并陪伴着你。“任务完成”之后,也许就是感情变淡了的时候。很残忍,可是却千真万确。
我珍惜每个在我人生不同阶段留下了足迹的朋友,管他是best/gd friend、管他我们“好”的时间多久,我不会因为某些难以避免的、造成我们疏远的环境因素而说这个人不再是best friend. 毕竟曾经那么合拍过,为什么因为不再熟络而从此轻视、“埋藏”那段友情呢?
说真的,什么best/good friend之说,对我来讲已经是蛮“儿戏”的东西。
Btw, wanna know how she gt the nick "secretary" and me, "boss"? Cos both of us did a test on FB, and she's gt the "secretary memory" *Yes she does! She rmbs watever I said, even some which I myself forgot haha.* whereas I gt the "boss memory". Yeah la, it's a gd and bad thing at the same time. I only rmb things I think is of importance (like work), and throw the others into my "archive storage" haha. PL's brain "ram" is so much bigger... I think for me, I have to "upgrade" my "disk space" liao HAHA! *Can't use "external hard disk"... unless u clone another me la~ I mean, who wants to rmb things for me? Lol.*
Took 157 home. Din know there's this "bar concept" bus now. Took too much MRT le haha... missed those days when I took 154 to NP lol.