Bruce Almighty 1
Went for LKS Scholarship rehearsal at SPH on Tues. It's down to 5 of us peforming on the actual day cos Diyana's down with fever. YJ, Erene, Faiezah and I rehearsed. *I forgot to bring e gifts alamak!* There were some last min changes here and there and so a bit of confusion la haha.
Rating: 3.5/5
Ran thru the full rehearsal twice onstage. Somehow I tot our performance was more "solemn" and subtle as compared to the SPH scholars haha. They were rather funky with their dance moves haha. *Gosh y do I see so many ZY there!? Lol.* 4 of us were still taking the scripts up haha... and Erene was standing in for Denise at the same time. She had to juggle with both haha.
*Why do I look so... in the vid!?*
*Why do I look so... in the vid!?*
Things din really ran smooth, for us I think. Selina commented that I was a bit soft, cos it seems to her that my voice was kinda high-pitched and thin. *High-pitched!? I'm sure my talking voice ain't so. That oni goes to show that I'm already raising my voice onstage lol.* The front part whr YJ and I rapped and sang... think we need more rapport haha. Most imptly, pray hard I won't forget my lines on the day itself... cos right now, I really dun have confidence in the short performance lol.
Caught "Bruce Almighty " at night. 

Rating: 3.5/5