Finished watched "내머리속의지우개" (“脑海中的橡皮擦”), a movie tat many Korean (DBSK etc.) said were touching.

A rich gal falling in love with a poor construction worker.
Summary line for the movie: 他们的相遇是因为女方的健忘;他们的分离是也是因为女方的遗忘。
Sad story but I tot the ending并不催泪la. She might have forgotten everything, but at least the other party still rmbs haha.
The male lead looks a lot like Jang Hyuk somehow. The female lead很耐看、很清纯的样子.
Guess I liked the title... it described the gal's medical condition perfectly.
Rating: 3.25/5

A rich gal falling in love with a poor construction worker.
Summary line for the movie: 他们的相遇是因为女方的健忘;他们的分离是也是因为女方的遗忘。
Sad story but I tot the ending并不催泪la. She might have forgotten everything, but at least the other party still rmbs haha.
The male lead looks a lot like Jang Hyuk somehow. The female lead很耐看、很清纯的样子.
Guess I liked the title... it described the gal's medical condition perfectly.
Rating: 3.25/5
*Ah my guitar lesson... learn or nt leh?*