BookFest 2008
*Your tone... I think you need to change a little. You made me feel stupid at times. I detest the kind of feeling.*
Work was kinda ok today, no OT. After tat, QW and I walked to Suntec City from our office... about 20mins ba. We went basement de Korean restaurant to eat haha...QW's“冷面”
Didn't try QW's cold noodle cos gt beef meat. My one was quite nice, except I dun like the kimchi... very salty. The shop oso run by China ppl haha... so gt the feel we went back“舟山东路”lol!
Went up to 4th flr later cos gt Food Fest there. Wierd leh... only half the halls were food, the other half is macham IT fair lol. We walked ard for a while before gg up to 6th flr for the BookFest 2008. The moment we stepped into Hall 602... cold wind blew straight into our face lor! Super cold there. Saw the "Super guitar" set ($299)... whereby u can play drums, guitars and sing into the game sia~ like those u see in arcades.
Saw Innokidz's DVD... they are really the leading company in this production lor... those children DVDs are like their“天下”... many of theirs there.
Walked ard and gt Chistmas presents for my tuition kids haha. Browsed at books, notebooks too... saw some really nice ones and bought. QW nv buy anything, though at 1st she wanted the mini-chair ($12.90). I saw High School Musical pencil cases, files, holders, notebooks etc... at $9.90 for 5 items lor! *Brendan, quick go BookFest nw~*
Walked back to Foodfest cos QW craving for some drinks. I bought the "Mango Juice With Aloe Jelly" ($3.80) from“喜洋洋甜品”~ damn nice! QW bought a lot of traditional糕点. I tot she would only buy 1 or 2, but when she came to the store ah, u can hear her firm tone: "I want 2 of xx, 2 of xx, 2 of xx, 1 of xx and 1 of xx." OMG~ this gal scary sia haha. After buying, she still ask the lady boss can cheaper mah... altogether $9. So, the lady boss gave her 1 additional糕点 for free hehe.
*小时候第一个最喜欢的乐器是钢琴,因为觉得用它弹出来的曲子最好听。后来爱上了acoustic and unplugged的歌曲,所以便更加喜欢吉他了。再说,我觉得吉他就像是“自由的化身”,而我的性格也渴望无束。钢琴嘛。。。我暂时只想远远地观望;静静地欣赏它就足够了哈哈。*