COM415 paper + 恋爱前规则
Okie... wat a way to start my exam after my last exam 1+yr ago. Tossed and turned in bed last night cos the weather's kind of cold, and yet I was feeling warm... wierd. Again, it was a night filled with dreams... pages and pages of notes tat I've written for the coming papers were flipping b4 my eyes in my dream haha... no la, nt a nightmare. *So, was the dream here to remind me to start memorising or wat? Haha.*
Woke up 6.30am, and went to sch at ard 7.45am, cos COM415 paper starts at 9am at TTM lab at WKWSCI. SC injured her left arms ysd, and couldn't type her answers out today... wrote instead I reckon. Everyone went into the lab at ard 8.50am, and it was freezing cold lo. The eng article given was easy to comprehend, but dang the big prob came when I started to type in Chi! The MS pinyin system tat the sch com used wasn't the same as the one I used at home usually, and so at 1st, I had great difficulty typing la! It was literally a word by word typing lor... slow like siao. I asked Dr Xu if others were using a slightly diff system, cos I saw WZ's fingers "flying" on her keyboard. He assured me "No, it's standardized." *Nth to say sia.*
Luckily I managed to realise the usage of the "shift" key. But I wasn't used to it, and "shift-ing" here and there made the switch bet Eng and Chi characters messy... terrible. I wrote down the pts for each of the 4 qns (dunno if they were correct a nt oso), and copied the necessary paragraphs from the article... still I couldn't finish the last qns after 2hrs was up! *Arghh.. half an hr more would be nice.* So I reckon 25marks "gone" le for my paper... gosh... haiz. Worse still, I ans only a little for other qns... didn't feel like I wrote enough for 25marks for each qn neh... cham~ *I din finish my paper... yet blur WZ go and ans all 6 qns eh! Lol.*
Had I know tat the Chi system would be sth that I'm nt familiar with, I'd hav shorten my time taken to finish reading the whole article... half an hr... 16pages on MS word. Dr Xu wanted to discuss with each grp individually the nex 2 days regarding our feature articles, but we all suggested after exams... in case his comments dampen our "exam moods" sia. *Exam mah... still written format better.*
Honestly, I hope for at least a "B/B+" for this module. Anything below tat's gonna upset me I think... I dun think a "B" is too diff, but let's pray I pass this 30% exam paper ba! *If I were to get an "A" or above... trust me I would email Dr Xu and thk him personally ah! Haha~*
This is my 1st sem in NTU, dun wanna stress myself too much anyway. WZ's diff... she's worried cos she wanna maintain her average GPA of 4.0. I dun wanna imagine how I'm gonna fare... since there are 3 more papers to go. Shall gauge after all the papers.
Had lunch with WZ at Canteen 5. She's gt a lot to study, but she dunno which to begin with haha. Her exam dates are a bit too cramped together I reckon. Mine's rather evenly spread out la, and I've already written notes, it's all down to memorising work nw actualli. Oh, and I was telling her how I feel ppl who choose to go uni... 一般是为了逃避长大的责任... 不想正视社会的残酷。Part of me is ba I guess~ 学校就像是“避风港”,让我们逃避所不想面对的,不是吗? I mean if u really wanna compare study and work... the latter's defnitely more cham haha.
Caught “恋爱前规则”, starring陈伯霖.

Quite cute a show. The way陈伯霖talks does sound a bit like Vic.
Rating: 3/5
Woke up 6.30am, and went to sch at ard 7.45am, cos COM415 paper starts at 9am at TTM lab at WKWSCI. SC injured her left arms ysd, and couldn't type her answers out today... wrote instead I reckon. Everyone went into the lab at ard 8.50am, and it was freezing cold lo. The eng article given was easy to comprehend, but dang the big prob came when I started to type in Chi! The MS pinyin system tat the sch com used wasn't the same as the one I used at home usually, and so at 1st, I had great difficulty typing la! It was literally a word by word typing lor... slow like siao. I asked Dr Xu if others were using a slightly diff system, cos I saw WZ's fingers "flying" on her keyboard. He assured me "No, it's standardized." *Nth to say sia.*
Luckily I managed to realise the usage of the "shift" key. But I wasn't used to it, and "shift-ing" here and there made the switch bet Eng and Chi characters messy... terrible. I wrote down the pts for each of the 4 qns (dunno if they were correct a nt oso), and copied the necessary paragraphs from the article... still I couldn't finish the last qns after 2hrs was up! *Arghh.. half an hr more would be nice.* So I reckon 25marks "gone" le for my paper... gosh... haiz. Worse still, I ans only a little for other qns... didn't feel like I wrote enough for 25marks for each qn neh... cham~ *I din finish my paper... yet blur WZ go and ans all 6 qns eh! Lol.*
Had I know tat the Chi system would be sth that I'm nt familiar with, I'd hav shorten my time taken to finish reading the whole article... half an hr... 16pages on MS word. Dr Xu wanted to discuss with each grp individually the nex 2 days regarding our feature articles, but we all suggested after exams... in case his comments dampen our "exam moods" sia. *Exam mah... still written format better.*
Honestly, I hope for at least a "B/B+" for this module. Anything below tat's gonna upset me I think... I dun think a "B" is too diff, but let's pray I pass this 30% exam paper ba! *If I were to get an "A" or above... trust me I would email Dr Xu and thk him personally ah! Haha~*
This is my 1st sem in NTU, dun wanna stress myself too much anyway. WZ's diff... she's worried cos she wanna maintain her average GPA of 4.0. I dun wanna imagine how I'm gonna fare... since there are 3 more papers to go. Shall gauge after all the papers.
Had lunch with WZ at Canteen 5. She's gt a lot to study, but she dunno which to begin with haha. Her exam dates are a bit too cramped together I reckon. Mine's rather evenly spread out la, and I've already written notes, it's all down to memorising work nw actualli. Oh, and I was telling her how I feel ppl who choose to go uni... 一般是为了逃避长大的责任... 不想正视社会的残酷。Part of me is ba I guess~ 学校就像是“避风港”,让我们逃避所不想面对的,不是吗? I mean if u really wanna compare study and work... the latter's defnitely more cham haha.
Caught “恋爱前规则”, starring陈伯霖.

Rating: 3/5
*Watching epi 10 and 11 of “偶像红了她!” hosted by 2PM... I almost fell off my chair LOL! The guys are super funny in these!*