Old Yeller
4 interns came to office today. 1 of them is in Transhipment... lol. Evelyn was saying how she "chose" the handsome boy to be here... haha. They are gonna be here for 7wks... I wonder how much they going to learn haha... cos I rmb last time my internship at SPH lasted for 4.5mths leh~
Watched "Old Yeller" juz nw.

Decided to watch this after hearing the story from HL. This movie's out in 1957... very long ago le. The dog looks really gd inside... huge though. Old Yeller's very obedient, and he seemed to understand humans... as in he listens to whatever his master says, and did all his best to protect the boys from danger.
I liked how I saw diff kinds of animals in the show: wolf, pigs, cows, deers, snake etc. The best thing is nw juz seeing but how they came to interact with the film... i.e the cow throwing temper, the deer drinking water blah... sorta a documentary sometimes lol.
Yes I already knew the ending b4 watching, so even though I tot I would be even more touched by it than "Marley & Me", it didn't surprisingly. It's how the director filmed it I guess... juz straightafter that gun-shot of Old Yeller, the backgrd music cut to a cheerful one almost immediately ... -_-'''. Tot the director shld have given more time for our emotions to "flow".
The fact that Old Yeller had lost all memories of his life with the brothers, to me, makes the movie nt as sad somehow. 因为它并没有带着任何的留恋就离开了。
1.5hrs of show... and my deepest impression of it was the happy scenes Old Yeller shared with the brothers.
Watched "Old Yeller" juz nw.
I liked how I saw diff kinds of animals in the show: wolf, pigs, cows, deers, snake etc. The best thing is nw juz seeing but how they came to interact with the film... i.e the cow throwing temper, the deer drinking water blah... sorta a documentary sometimes lol.
Yes I already knew the ending b4 watching, so even though I tot I would be even more touched by it than "Marley & Me", it didn't surprisingly. It's how the director filmed it I guess... juz straightafter that gun-shot of Old Yeller, the backgrd music cut to a cheerful one almost immediately ... -_-'''. Tot the director shld have given more time for our emotions to "flow".
The fact that Old Yeller had lost all memories of his life with the brothers, to me, makes the movie nt as sad somehow. 因为它并没有带着任何的留恋就离开了。
1.5hrs of show... and my deepest impression of it was the happy scenes Old Yeller shared with the brothers.
Rating: 3.5/5
Sharing the new MV of DBSK's Jap song, "Survivor". The MV's average for me, but the song's addictive again... shld be the melody... and their English haha! I guess maybe it's due to the Jap pronounciation, so that's why I keep on hearing "sir-BiBle" instead of "sur-Vi-Vor"~ LOL. Oh and Hero's "Smile! smile!"... sounded interesting~