Confessions Of A Shopaholic
*I'm still waiting...*
William, QW and Kenneth went pool in the afternoon during lunch... poor William... his "office wife" Eileen din accompany him to lunch today lol. Shermeen and I went to eat "Zhi Char"... I had this sambal sotong rice ($4.50)... average... too much onion le.
Haslin din let me do KTX vsl's TDL today... "discount" is it? Cos nex Tues my last day at OOCL. Randomly took a pic of my calendar in the office... haha... all those initials are my student's name initials... as a reminder to myself as to when I had tuition with them haha. Guess this habit came from my attachment last time haha.

Rebecca Bloomwood is a shopaholic... shop till she drops... "literally". She met Luke Brandon in a financial mag and fell for the latter eventually. Well of cos, Rebecca lied a lot in the show, to cover up the fact that she's heavily in debt.
Dun feel like elaborating more but this is one of the really funnier movies I've seen. I love the arrangement of the storyline, the "sparks" bet the leads, as well as how Rebecca is the "attention" of the show. I can vividly rmb the scene whr she danced with Luke, with a fan in her hands... hilarious. Oh, and oso the scene whr she was forced to stand up and questions during a finance talk haha. *The manequins come alive in the show too... they ain't scary at all... in fact very interesting!*
Rating: 3.75/5
Was gg down the escalator when suddenly someone sorta "slapped" me on the hand... Kenneth was there~ I tot he wanted to go mahjong!? Lol.