Philo exam

Another subject down! Haha…though it’s kind of an easy paper, but I thought I made quite a number of careless mistakes. Anyway…it’s over le! Pass for sure~


Went to post office to汇款. Paid another RMB78 cos I ordered Micky and Hero’s design Tee. Then HL, WZ, Michelle and I went to the惠芦家常小炒to eat again. This time round, I ate a dish of鹌鹑蛋炒肉on my own, shared肉末粉丝(RMB8)with Michelle, and shared生炒鸡(RMB16)with HL, WZ and Michelle. HL ordered another酸辣汤on her own and WZ ate her包心菜炒肉…which is mainly a坨of cabbage with tiny bits of meat pieces haha. Got a bit反胃after lunch cos I ate too much quill egg le…ppl careful dun eat too much quill egg, cos it leads to high cholesterol o!

*Now taxi here got extra RMB1 sub charge as fuel fee…鸡蛋.*

Came back pia finish History qns de ans…asked Jac and Bel if they wanna go ton and sing K…haha but they more“乖”than me la…want to study. So, night I went out with Michelle to舟山东路. Bought 3 mags (RMB35) and went to CD store next….Westlife’s newest album “Back Home” is out lor! RMB38.90…so I nv buy haha. I tried草莓哈密瓜果汁(RMB12) at the fresh fruit juice shop…nt bad. Michelle said the guy店员looks like Terence from Jade (Superband)…whom I dun even know how he looks like lol. But that guy店员definitely looks like he juz woke up to me haha~ Saw a new shop selling Anime stuff de…I saw this Nana de big gold colour shoulder bag (RMB41) but Michelle said too “Ah Lian”, dun fit my中性style haha. *HL…go get the bag ba! Lol~*

*Think阿波and his gf pass by 2 of us at the臭河…*

Michelle bought her北京烤鸭then we went to小长今to eat dinner. I ordered泡菜炒面and泡菜寿司卷(RMB12). Funny thing was tat the gal nv serve us those small dishes they usually serve. So I asked for it…the gal摆臭脸when she served us those dishes lor…saw her and the male shop person discussing when I asked for the dish…think they nt happy with Michelle bringing outside food to it and nt ordering theirs…*But hey I ordered 2 lor!* When we pay up, then the gal said need to pay extra RMB3 cos we didn’t order main course…heck la…wat’s my泡菜炒面counted as!?

Anyway while eating, got this 2 pairs of couple (I think shld be) besides us, one smoking guy keep looking at Michelle and I. I didn’t look at him straight in the face but I can “sense” his eyes“飘-ing”here now and then. He looks like someone from城市风尚and maybe he heard us mentioning阿波’s name tats why he reacted. Michelle thought maybe he heard the way and langs tat we talk in sounds weird so he reacted. But I think I may be right cos another guy (look like包小柏or包小松one) was doing the girl’s hair before this guy came in…and they were talking about what hairstyle nice or nt de topic.

Bought myself an Emily design de Pasar Malam bag (RMB10) from a shop. HL got her fav Cinnomoro one, QW a Winnie the Pooh’s while WZ got a Hello Kitty one. Michelle initially saw this Spongebob SquarePants de…but due to the bad sewing she gave up buying haha. The ppl here are definitely interested in the way SGreans talk ah…they somehow dunno that we speak Mandarin lol.

*“跟你讲电话真是浪费国家资源…”…haha wat Michelle and I overheard a lady boss talking to her bf on the hp…lame.*

*I wanna get a specially designed pages de notebk before I go back~*
