Almost saw C.N. Blue at卢湾体育场...
Ordered上海好奇连锁fast food for lunch. When I went downstairs to take my food, I realised the delivery boy wasn't at our dorm gate. I called him and he told me nwadays the security at北区is stricter nw, and they dun allow ppl who sell外卖in to the sch compound. So, he told me to meet nearer at a place whr the security can't see him. He came in a motorbike and I think he's even younger than me ba... talked so softly and kept emphasizing security can't let him in. *Aiyoh all other外卖's I ordered can come to the gate ah.* I brought the food, and went into the lift with 2 angmohs. They sounded like they were speaking Russian and suddenly, this lady spoke sth like“小姐。。。”in a very inaccurate accent, and began asking me whr I bought my外卖from. *The guy beside her looked like he hasn't eaten fastfood in a long time lol.* I told them but they can't seem to understand anyway... well I shld hav passed her the外卖card b4 I go haha.
The香辣鸡腿饼蛋汉堡(RMB8)was so-so... a bit soggy le when I ate it. Met Michelle and her 3 friends from China in her rm at 1+pm, and we set off to卢湾体育场, hoping to see C.N. Blue's showcase. We took bus no. 100 and四川北路and switched to bus no. 17 b4 arriving at the place. *Saw a wedding car on the way... a cute Mickey and Minnie toy in front of the car haha~*

We were there at about 3+pm, and there were oni few fans there. *We could hear C.N.Blue members rehearsing and jamming in the stadium though.* There were many guys who sold黄牛票there, but they were still selling it at a very ex price. We waited for 1+hr, b4 we went to the nearest Pizza Hut for lunch.
Went back to the stadium area at about 6pm, and those sellers began lowering their prices... selling RMB1180 1st row tickets for about RMB400 nia. *Still, it was out of my budget of RMB100 haha.* Literally waited there for about 2hrs... until even those黄牛票guys went away cos the主办商wasn't willing to sell RMB380 and RMB580 tickets to them. The concert had already started at 7.30pm, and I won't want to go to a showcase tat I'd miss any portion of it... so my heart was already towards gg home haha.
Well, we din go to the showcase in the end, obviously. But it wasn't a wasted trip la... we gt free bracelets, namecards, lightsticks... and I bought a cute C.N. Blue cartoon tee for RMB25. And yeah I know wat "Boice" is nw LOL! *Overall, transportation costed me RMB9 today hehe.*
Well, we din go to the showcase in the end, obviously. But it wasn't a wasted trip la... we gt free bracelets, namecards, lightsticks... and I bought a cute C.N. Blue cartoon tee for RMB25. And yeah I know wat "Boice" is nw LOL! *Overall, transportation costed me RMB9 today hehe.*
Oh yeah! We were on bus no.104 and saw this检票员/安检员who is supposedly the ticket seller. Oh man I haven seen bus ticket sellers in SG since ages ago ba? Funny thing is this lady would announce say which stop is approaching, when there's a turn and etc... and she sounded like she was talking to herself nia~