HA "send-off" gathering + Bride Wars
Sat morning bought my Acer lappy to Acer centre for repair. The person told me hard disk "gone-case" liao, so have to replace a new one. Altogether $280... hopefully can get back ard 10days later. *Pls ah... dun ever call me and say gt any more probs!*
Met YL, James, Ben, YB, Jess and PH at JE platform. We combined all the things we done for HA haha. I thought YB one very decorative ah... "panda" picture... she nv forgets sia~ Ok, see my simple smileys + lyrics one:
All of us shared 2笼of小笼包as well. Honestly, I love only the "soup" in the skin, nt the minced meat lol. Oh yeah, they say the skins gt "no less than 18folds"... I playfully counted 1 of it... really gt like 20folds lol. YL said if the小笼包skin came "torn", they would replace u with a new one. Anyway, one of the小笼包I tried to eat "turned somersault" juz before it gt into my mouth~ haha.
Eating experience... average nia. We took grp photos again... Mr HA's like our "grandpa"... all of us stand behind him while he sat haha!

PH, YL, Jess and I went to a foodcourt then sat down, had "tea break" haha. PH and YL gave us some IQ questions to solve... about coins, weighing, and insects... ah logic and maths. Admit I'm really lazy at all these... simply give up haha... but the other 3 were so enthu in it, so I decided to stop being lazy and gt to thinking lol. Still, I was the slowest among all to get the ans la haha... maybe it's so nt my area haha. *You talk to a lang person Maths & logic!? Haha~*
PH left at 5+pm, then Jess met her friend too. At 1st tot the 3 of us gg to movies/singing together, but Jess decided to "pang seh" YL and me instead *HAHA!*, so left 2 of us, chatting about ghosts stories and movies. He told me he's scared of these things haha... but ok la... nt say dun dare listen/chat about, so considered ok le ba.
Singing too ex since it's festive period, and only left 2 of us... so we decided to catch a movie instead. *Sorta temp lessen my "craving for movies" hehe~* Deciding bet "Inkheart" and "Bride Wars"... in the end no gd seats for "Inkheart", so we went for "Bride Wars"... starring Anne Hathaway (she's gt exactly the same name as William Shakespeare's wife leh!) and Kate Hudson. *8bucks since YL gt UOB card or sth... woo~*

Well, Bridezilla took them over, and both became aggressive towards each other. They did stupid things, in order to spoil the other's wedding plans haha! Yeah, the things they did were kinda funny. I was laughing at how Emma's skin colours turned "orange" lol! Yet, I was stunned by how sexy Anne Hathaway could get~ the wild dance at the party... gosh吓倒我了!
All those mess continued till even the day of wedding. Still, I liked how the ending was... a happy one. I mean, Emma din get to marry Daniel... a bit of pity for me at one pt.
Some couples gt closer while preparing for marriage; while some starts to drift apart... realising that they weren't made for each other.
我不相信世界上有"made for each other"的人.
因为一切在于改变。看两人肯为对方改变什么、改变多少来suit each other.
*我的结婚狂想曲? 披着白纱、背着吉他、哼着"I'm Yours"进教堂~*
Rating: 3.75/5
Movie ended already 9+pm... about 90mins long ba. We went over Heeren for late dinner at Pasta de Waraku... hehe. I tried the tomato-sauced seafood...出奇eh... I actualli dun like it haha. Cos the sauce taste like those tomato sauce u get from bottles... unlike Swensens and eslewhr, taste more like real tomato de sauce. The mussels were tasty though.
YL had this "half-half" set.
We were chatting and looking at photos from his mp4/mp3... his "JJC" life haha. Until 11pm then we leave... I swear I saw and heard the sweetest "Thank u and come again!" in my life haha~ cos I think the waiters and waitresses were super glad that we finally舍得to get our butts off their seats haha.
Some talk we have there.
想很多,不是一种不应该。只是想了之后,有没有付诸行动来实现? 那又是另一回事。
*像Liv一直都那么坚强的人,最后竟然学会红了眼眶。人嘛,是该有感情的。Snowman has too hehe.希望那些天塌下来都选择顶着的朋友们可以学会偶尔的放下。*
*Arghh~ stupid net! I typed finished my long essay of Readers' Digest's interesting news and facts I wanna share on my blog but it juz dc-ed! Lazy to type it again... “无福消受” here ppl~ haha.*
Happy CNY! Gonna have my reunion dinner soon.