High School Musical 3

It was the Wildcats' final yr at East High. The beginning of the show was the basketball match. I thought that part was somehow disappointing, nt as nice as how the trailer cut it out to be. Gabriella's singing was a little abrupt and so was the whole match scene which oni lasted for like 15mins... too short. Still, I loved that song "Now Or Never". The next thing I liked was the "tree house" Troy and Gabriella were at... romantism's in the air there!
The show didn't exactly catch my attention until Ryan and Sharpay's duet! OMG~ the scene settings reminded me of the days I played Barbie Doll's house haha~ constantly changing! This duo was super lively and I guess I'm addicted to their bubbly duets, as well as Troy and Gabriella's smoothing blues.
This time round, it's all about the graduation musical and not much "problems" arising in the storyline. I mean conflicts still ard... like Gabriella facing the dilemma as to gg to Stanford's Uni or performing for the final musical. The story wasn't as "bumpy" as the previous movie though. Well, I liked the smooth flow. Somehow, I enjoyed this 112mins show as it runs further on. Their musical rehearsals were fabulous! I loved how Ryan and Kelsi were paired up too~ a pity nt too much on them~
The songs have their fair share of stories: Troy and Gabriella (love bird's lovely-dovey feeling, as well as moments of "nt-wanting-to-let-go", Ryan and Sharpay's cuteness, Troy and Chad's childhood dreams, and nt forgetting EHS Wildcats' cheerings.
他们的青春很疯狂,我好羡慕。相较之下,自己的青春岁月是平淡了一些。*I'm beginning to wonder, if friends around me were like them... who noes我搞不好也会更加“神经”哦~*
To me, "High School Musical" is successful for the purest reason: To all of us out there, you can be a kid, a child, a teenager, a working adult, loving parents or grandparents; no matter how old/young you are, "HSM" will always remind us of "the days"-- days when u had the utmost fun as a teenager/young adult.
A tad too sad, I think this movie came a bit too late for me (or I'm a bit too early for it haha~). Though some of the actors and actresses are ard my age nw, but I somehow felt like my "playful" days are near its end... or maybe cos "HSM"'s only a musical, so it shows just the optimisic side of this youngsters' life haha.
I loved the scene when the graduates threw their hats. Felt like screaming out to share with them the joy of graduation! *The only time I threw my cap was during ACES' Day back in pri sch LOL!*
Troy said: "I want my future to be my future." Then, he began to talk with Chad about the days when they were Superman, Batman, Spiderman... yet nt yearning to become a man lol. Yeah, I agree a lot with this series of movie, mainly the reason being that I'm stuck at quite an "embarassing" stage nw... growing up. The transition from a child to a young adult is killing me at times. I'm happy; I'm mad; I'm anxious; I'm sad. "Rollar-coaster-ride feelings" up and down... they tend to lead my mind to nowhere, almost every other time. I did learnt to face up to obstacles, but I tend to run away from problems more. I'm not trying to say that I wanna return back to being a kid again, but I guess I'm still too fragile for the grown-up environment out there. Something is lacking in me that is crucial for one to survive out there.
One thing... I insist a lot. Yes, I too, want my future to be my future. I dun want any other to decide for me. Yet at the same time, I'm wondering if I can achieve what I want... what I really want. I dun wish to be stuck in a working/studying environment and slog like nobody's business throughout and what I gain in turn is simply money. Satisfaction and happiness matters so much more to me. I wanna study and work freely, to what I want, and what I enjoy. At least, this is a little dream of mine haha.
I found "High School Musical" Series inspirational in some sense... maybe cos I think a lot. You might nt agree though, but I truely recommend this movie for a time to relax.
Put a pause to whatever you're doing right now and sit in the theatres/play the DVD.
I say, no matter ur age, you would feel like you're in ur 10++s, early 20s when u see the actors prance around.
Thinking of writing a poem for this movie... hope I get down to it fast enough haha. Anyway, work every Fri is... yucks! Most probably gt to OT... why can't ships stop coming to SG on wkends!? Rest and play la~ haha. Oh yeah, I'm thinking of watching "Brideshead Revisited" next... anyone care to join? Heh.
*Going for a game of badminton with QW early tml morning. Yes exercise~~~*