B'day dinner @ Waraku
Fri did OT 1 hr @ OOCL. The work was so last min @ 5.30pm... given by Stella. I noe that's Ninda's work but as a newbie, I ain't familiar with all the processes yet and she sorta dumped a pile to me. QW said she oso "sian" when she saw tat I took the job... well I can't say "No." Nw I noe... nex Tues gonna tell Evelyn which days I can't do OT le hmph. Anyway, QW helped me with the job, if nt I can't even go off by 7pm leh!
Celebrated my bday with 4-in-love and QW at Heeren's Waraku restaurant! Pat, WZ and HL gt me a bag plus mango bday cake~ god yummy leh~ QW gt me an anklet, "hand-made balloons" and mini version of e game DBSK played in Japan haha.4-in-love.
The spicy prawn spaghetti WZ and I both tried~ wonderfully tasty!!!
Pat Pat's "soupy-spaghetti"... nice too!
HL had this... the taste reminded us of“茉莉茶餐厅”back at舟山东路!
QW had this墨汁spag... taste delicious oso wor! But u'll get ur teeth black black haha.
QW made this for me... she spent 2hrs leh~ touched haha.
We will come back to Waraku again~ so nice the pasta's there... juz tat the portion's kinda small really.
These gals ah... kept me in the dark... I was so hungry that I wanted to order the ice cake already until the cake came out so suddenly! I didn't know that there's a cake, really! And it's similar to the mango cake I had 2yrs ago... oso from Breadtalk hehe. We took pictures with the cake... and they were on about the kinda cute-looking manager who took picture of us doi~ haha.
Then, we went to Paragon and waited for QW while she gt her things. HL and I were playing with the "Rrr..." sound along the way and Pat was trying to learn how to do it... and all she could do was "rareeeee- bit!" LOL. Then, We went on to Taka to see HL's Cinnomoro stuffs... 这位“老人家”不认老啊~haha.
4-in-love went Mac to chit-chat. And I was still taking photo of the balloon... after I accidentally burst one of it haha!
Does this picture remind u of the clover?
Anyway, pics updating nt over yet. I'm still waiting for the vids and photos from WZ's cam lol!
Sat morning had 1st tuition with Pranoy. He's 11yrs old this yr and from India. Cos of the fact that he's been flying bet India (New Delhi), USA and SG, he speaks Eng with both a Hindi + a little bit of American slang. Quite a serious child... so diff from Brendan who's all cheeky and tends to talk crap during tuition. However, I guess he gt to change his handwriting a bit cos it's too cursive. Btw, I learnt that 'geeky' = 'nerd' from Pranoy. He said that back in the US, those angmoh kids think that Asian are geeky... the way they study in sch. Well, beating ppl up is common too... and Pranoy was once almost beaten up too god. Racism... bad thing there. Currently, he's undergoing some chemotherapy treatment. Hope all goes well for him.
*Coincidentally, Mr Ron is the manager at some American shipping company haha!*
2pm tuition with Brendan, he gave me a "frog pen" as my bday gift lol. “真有我的心”... haha. Some cute and creative lines by Brendan I tot:
"Spiderman, Spiderman
I can see your underwear.
Not too big, not too small,
just the size of Singapore."
Have been writing down jokes in his diary. He's been telling some very lame jokes from "The Bad Book". Erm... some of the jokes juz dun make sense but I'd make sure I enjoyed the joke with "an-8-yr-old-mindset" haha.
Went E.A.I lesson alone cos WZ din come. Took the same train and bus as the China guy... he at 1st nv talk to me leh... macham very dao. Later got off the bus he told me he didn't recognised me LOL. Asked me what am I most interested in learning nw... gave him some random ans but he said he wants to learn about being onstage... cool. Reached the office and saw oni 2 other more guys...“荣少”and one guy I dunno name. 5pm still oni 4 of us and I tot today oni 4 students le haha. 荣少actualli wanted to sing“人质”too... and we tried singing together lol. The合声sounds gd o I tot~ In the end, he changed to“你是我的眼”.
Nt much things learnt during lesson I tot... 2 seniors came in to listen to us sing. One of them sung“听说爱情回来过”... nice o. I sung“人质”, pitching was fine but cher said he thought I would sound better with music accompaniment and mic. 他说我的音色或许不太适合唱这首歌...不够“浓度”haha. Yeah la, I get pretty nervous onstage every time and I tend to sway left and right leh... time to change haha.
*我真的还没有"show hand" o...因为还放不开。*
Anyway, 荣少's leaving SG nex wk. He quitted his job and dunno if another company will still hire him back a nt. If yes, he would come back in 2wks' time. If nt, he's nt coming back for gd. Haiz... one less vibrant ppl in class. Oh yeah, one of the China girl who came from东北China noes Korean lang leh! She was once a translator before~ so shiok... I can请教her le hehe.