Ichiban Sushi
*Bruce Lee and his wife的爱情的开始... 也太“一见钟情”了吧!? Lol.*
Finished reading "The Nanjing Massacre: A Japanese Journalist Confronts Japan's National Shame" by Honda Katsuichi".
Constant repetition of some words made me kinda sick. In e end, I can't even rmb how how many died exactly. Great historical accounts... and I sympathise the survivors.
Haven been getting enough slp haha. Was playing a bit of FB's "Typing Maniac" today... haha quite fun. I din noe both my bro and PL were already "pros" in this game la haha. Hmm... Ggad to say that I can handle phone enquiries easily nowadays haha... used to those qns pertaining to the grants. *I used to panick when the phone rings lol.*
Had lunch with Judy, LZ, Lynn, PL, HQ and one more I can't her name lol. Lunch nowadays nt so尴尬le... gd hehe.
*Eating a lot of junk food lately shit haha.*
Received call on tues from SPH Foundation that I gt the LKS Scholarship~ happy that financially I dun have to worry about my uni tuition fees le yeah! *虽然小担心毁约要赔偿的问题,但我相信如果我认真念书的话,成绩应该不会太差haha.* Gt 5 other recipients this yr and we would need to discuss wat to perform at the ceremony on 30th July. Coming up would be the signing of the agreement with 2 other sureties... shld be my mum and grandma ba.
Met up with Pat, HL and WZ at night at PS for dinner at Ichiban Sushi. Initially, we wanted to catch "I Love You, Man" at Cathay Orchard... but only 1st row left sian.
HL and I both had the same set dinner ($16.90)... gt like 2 bowls of rice, 1 with sashimi and another with unagi and scrambled eggs haha. I prefer the latter. Chawamushi and the tempura crab was so-so lo. *原来是饭前吃水果才对哦~* Pat had half portion de Udon and chawamushi, and WZ din order anything cos both of them actually already had dinner themselves. Then, we went to Sistic counter to see if HL and I could get tickets for the show "JUMP!" that's coming to SG again in Sep. We reached there at ard 8.10pm but Sistic closes at 8pm!? What a miss~ Anyway, HL and I are determined to watch this performance le haha.
Went ard John Little and Daiso cos WZ was looking ard for new furnitures for her new rm since she's moving house in Oct. Daiso sells Ginger Ale eh... nt bad but a bit too fizzy le haha. We went Cotton On and saw outfits selling 2 for $20 but din get in the end. Well, if it's still there when we go back again then I buy ba haha.
*Din noe Pat and HL actualli wanted to watch "Hanna Montana" too!*
Have been practising 2PM's "니가 밉다 (Hate You)" dance steps... 1 min de dance so diff. Haha... I still can't get the dance exactly. Every night dance a bit lor... for coming Sat's lesson... haiz. I liked the freestyle in front but scared I dance出来效果捧腹haha. *My hands and legs coordination nt tat gd la lol.* Let's juz pray tat I dun panick when dancing in front of my classmates on Sat ba lol! Both my legs are kinda tired nw... 酸啊!
Finished reading "The Nanjing Massacre: A Japanese Journalist Confronts Japan's National Shame" by Honda Katsuichi".
Constant repetition of some words made me kinda sick. In e end, I can't even rmb how how many died exactly. Great historical accounts... and I sympathise the survivors.
Haven been getting enough slp haha. Was playing a bit of FB's "Typing Maniac" today... haha quite fun. I din noe both my bro and PL were already "pros" in this game la haha. Hmm... Ggad to say that I can handle phone enquiries easily nowadays haha... used to those qns pertaining to the grants. *I used to panick when the phone rings lol.*
Had lunch with Judy, LZ, Lynn, PL, HQ and one more I can't her name lol. Lunch nowadays nt so尴尬le... gd hehe.
*Eating a lot of junk food lately shit haha.*
Received call on tues from SPH Foundation that I gt the LKS Scholarship~ happy that financially I dun have to worry about my uni tuition fees le yeah! *虽然小担心毁约要赔偿的问题,但我相信如果我认真念书的话,成绩应该不会太差haha.* Gt 5 other recipients this yr and we would need to discuss wat to perform at the ceremony on 30th July. Coming up would be the signing of the agreement with 2 other sureties... shld be my mum and grandma ba.
Met up with Pat, HL and WZ at night at PS for dinner at Ichiban Sushi. Initially, we wanted to catch "I Love You, Man" at Cathay Orchard... but only 1st row left sian.
Went ard John Little and Daiso cos WZ was looking ard for new furnitures for her new rm since she's moving house in Oct. Daiso sells Ginger Ale eh... nt bad but a bit too fizzy le haha. We went Cotton On and saw outfits selling 2 for $20 but din get in the end. Well, if it's still there when we go back again then I buy ba haha.
*Din noe Pat and HL actualli wanted to watch "Hanna Montana" too!*
Have been practising 2PM's "니가 밉다 (Hate You)" dance steps... 1 min de dance so diff. Haha... I still can't get the dance exactly. Every night dance a bit lor... for coming Sat's lesson... haiz. I liked the freestyle in front but scared I dance出来效果捧腹haha. *My hands and legs coordination nt tat gd la lol.* Let's juz pray tat I dun panick when dancing in front of my classmates on Sat ba lol! Both my legs are kinda tired nw... 酸啊!
I had the interview for the Lim Kim San Memorial Scholarship exactly 4 weeks ago. Till date, I have not received any calls or emails from them. And the wait is frustrating me. Yet, I do not dare to email them for fear that I get rejected outright because that was what happened during my previous scholarship application. Somehow, whenever you call back for updates or outcome, the results are always unfavorable :(
How long did you wait for your call/notification that you are a recipient?
I honestly cannot remember how long I waited for the call-up, but from my past blog posts, it took 1.5mths from my interview till the scholarship photo/video shoot took place.
Don't be afraid to check with them, imo there's nothing wrong with wanting to know. You might want to email or call them to check, as in ask them directly by when would successful recipients be notified? I reckon it should be around this period of time already, since Uni sem starts in Aug.