Ben's Bday celebration @ Mind's Cafe
Stage lesson gt cancelled cos E.A.I received notice to stop lesson due to H1N1... would resume nex wk according to Shirlyn. *I won't be attending since I'm gg to Genting lol.* Garrick's lesson pushed to Mon evening... so basically I slpt till like near 12pm. I had this stupid dream la... I signed like some contract in the dream and was somehw told to wake up oni at 12pm for dunno wat reason~ Lol... guess I was so slpy I actualli kept looking at my watch when I woke up at 9+am, then told myself to keep on slping till nearly 12pm... until mum shouted "Your Mee Soto cold liao la!" then I climbed out of bed haha.
Watched the clear version of DBSK's Mirotic Concert in Seoul which was aired on TV. They cut away the members' solo parts but the whole concert was still rather gd. I watched the chi subbed version, and I understood the lyrics of "Balloon", so I guess the lyrics led me to liking the song being sung in a more slow and纯真way by DBSK on the concert. Dunno y but somehow I think DBSK's performance in Korea is like better than the one I saw in China. Think it's cos they can talk comfortably in Korea lang since majority of the audience understand the lang. The way the members joked about Xiah learning Eng was lol.
Met up with Jess, YB, PH, Ben and CC at City Hall at 5+pm and we went to Mind's Cafe at Purvis st. There was a sofa seat reserved for us haha. We began ordering desserts, drinks and munchies.
Ben was busy opening the presents we gt for him haha. PH gt him a wallet whilst Jess, YB, CC, YD, YL and me gt him a Titus watch~ near 200bucks okie!? Haha~ Plus, I wrote a letter to Ben too hehe. He say my writing very "my blog style" somemore faint~ 

Jess intro-ed us to the "bang-bang-bang-and-grab-money" game lol. *I can't rmb name of game la.* You see 6 overgrown kids holding up toy guns and pting them at each other... and we found ourselves busy counting how many guns were pting at our face haha. I wasn't tat unlucky in that game, even though I was shot wounded twice lol. Eh... I gt "hall of shame" badge twice I think... for choosing to run away la lol. Sadly, being a "civilised" person I was, I was so bad at grabbing/snatching those money la~ I oni have $10000 in the end haha. YB's the big winner la... she gt like $infinite amt lol. 

Next, we played the "Chicken" game. PH and I, Jess and YB tagged team haha... cos oni gt 4 chicken figurines available for play in the game. Ben so serious in this game sia lol. I was lucky at start, cos guessed and opened up those covered cards and they matched with the ones my team's brown chick was on. This game kinda time-consuming imo... until in the end... YB and Jess, who sratched their heads thruout the game won~ Ben's gt quite a gd memory though.

PH wanted to intro us to "Cluedos" but sadly, some of the mini figurines were missing. The last game we played in the 2hrs was the "Colourful vamp, coffin, Onion and curse" memory cum sabo game haha. I was super suay throughout la... din manage to put any of my vamps in the coffins... managed to get rid of a few cos Jess and CC gt "cursed" thrice haha. YB won again~ she "tic-gam" oso can tio lor haha! 

*Jess and YB gt too many cam-whoring pics le... can check out at YB's Flickers haha.*
We went to The Clarity's Cafe to have dinner at 8pm. It was only a few steps away from Mind's Cafe la. We tot it looked nt bad mah... nv knew "the food'd been so bad" haha. The ambience was ok though.

We ordered the classic set (each one paid ard $17 if I din rmb wrongly)... there's a choco ice-cream, main dish, grass salad/soup of the day, appetizer and soft drink each. The appetizer was like carrot bits with egg mash... nt nice. The carrot soup was scarily nt nice, PH, Jess and I could only finish it with pepper. Ben lol la... he was so engrossed in wat secret YB was telling to Jess and CC that he kept on pouring pepper inside... until the soup was flooded with pepper lol!
Waited for a bit before the food came. Honestly, service was so-so and the food wasn't very gd. My tom yam seafood pasta is "tom-yummi" but too spicy la haha.

We gt a small slice of cake for Ben as his 21st bday cake haha. Hmm, sth funny happened here... and the lead were Ben and PH lol. See the nice photo of them below... and then Ben enjoying cam-whoring with his small cake.

This 21yr old kidult ah haha. Miss PH was feeling playful I guess, so she "swoosh" very fast put some of the cake's cream on Ben's face. He took revenge la... do it on PH. This 2 continued la... lol... and the "3-step" result of the "catfight" was...
1. PH yelling for "HELP~" but all I did was... sit aside her and do nth!? Lol. *Yes you're seeing Ben's "咸诸手" on PH's face haha.*
2. PH realised that the "paparazzi" Missy YB was aiming her cam at her and she went "Oh no, no flashlights!"
3. I wasn't all tat helpless afterall... I helped her do away those creams on her hair. PH kept on saying that "It's smelly."
Watched the clear version of DBSK's Mirotic Concert in Seoul which was aired on TV. They cut away the members' solo parts but the whole concert was still rather gd. I watched the chi subbed version, and I understood the lyrics of "Balloon", so I guess the lyrics led me to liking the song being sung in a more slow and纯真way by DBSK on the concert. Dunno y but somehow I think DBSK's performance in Korea is like better than the one I saw in China. Think it's cos they can talk comfortably in Korea lang since majority of the audience understand the lang. The way the members joked about Xiah learning Eng was lol.
Met up with Jess, YB, PH, Ben and CC at City Hall at 5+pm and we went to Mind's Cafe at Purvis st. There was a sofa seat reserved for us haha. We began ordering desserts, drinks and munchies.

We went to The Clarity's Cafe to have dinner at 8pm. It was only a few steps away from Mind's Cafe la. We tot it looked nt bad mah... nv knew "the food'd been so bad" haha. The ambience was ok though.

After we left the cafe, Jess went Bras Basah to look for her mum whilst 5 of us went home. We planned to watch "Blood Vamp" at 1st but gave up the tot in the end.
K la... hope we all meet up for K session very soon hehe.