4-in-love reunion dinner + CNY @ YB's home + Camp Rock
Fri met up with Pat, WZ and HL. We had dinner at Waraku restaurant @ Heeren. The spicy cod and squid cabonara pasta I had was a bit too salty to me... but HL loved it lol.
Sat went temple with mum and bro in the morning.
Then, afternoon "took plane" to YB's house haha. Ben stayed there only for a while, cos he needed to go KL. After tat, left me, YB and ZL. We had the 1st round of dinner at ard 5+pm... then YB's relatives... a lot sia... came in the late evening. I didn't even see some of them b4... well, nt to say me... YB too haha! YB was busy entertaining her relatives, while ZL and I were doing "cultural exchange" at Youtube haha! Guess wat? Cos the "Panda couple" were very into "konichiwa", whilst I was into "annyeonghasaeyo", so we decided to intro songs in diff langs! ZL intro-ed me some anime Jap songs... one called "Changin" by Stephanie... very nice one. *Somehow, still nt enough for me to "cultural exchange" with my bro haha.* I intro-ed a few korean songs, then some Eng and Chi songs haha. Oh yeah Russian song too~ "Opera #2" by Vitas... ZL's jaws literally "dropped" at those high-pitch singings haha! Eh, and he said he felt like "abish-ing"卢广仲~ cos of his nerdy looks. But, I guess it's becoming a trend somehow. *Micky had that "mushroom head" too!*
Sun went tuition at Pranoy's and Brendan's house. I caught "Camp Rock" in the afternoon too... Haslin lent me.
A sort of musical... similar to High School Musical, but I prefer the latter. This one's nice too... but maybe cos "HSM" came 1st for me haha. Demi Lovato and Joe Jonas looked gd together... and this gal's a 92-er... so young and yet her voice is gd! Joe Jonas is a eye candy... but somehow I think his younger bro, Nick somehow attracted my eyes more lol. Both the bro have similar声线, with Nick's one higher-pitched.
Well, I'd love to go to a music camp... it would be cool! And btw, I loved most of the songs in there!
Rating: 3.25/5
Saw this HD-HiFi vid of SHINee singing "Romantic" live... finally a diff song lol. Love how Jong Hyun controls his voice... though they all looked a bit tired haha. "Still I have romantic in my heart..." lol... I dunno if I can hold the notes well if I were to sing those lyrics haha... I would laugh ba~