28/5/12 - 1/6/12
morning and MH was like “Whoa! You write cover story ah!” Stress~*
researching on Freya Lin all morning, and saw the emails sent by WT on the
publication dates… gosh I needa rush out my fashion feature and the one on
theme bedrm by early nex wk. YQ pangseh me during lunch, so I ate alone and
headed to Orchard Ion to find SS, since I had time b4 Freya Lin’s media
interview at Grand Copthorne Waterfront hotel. Tat gal was at Isetan’s Chat
Chat branch, and we chatted while walking back to Ion’s outlet. I walked to the
bus stop at 2.30pm, and missed one 175… waited for 18mins for the nex one neh!
*Lucky the bus driver was a gd-looking and nice one, who reminded me to alight
at the hotel’s stop.*
Met SY, and we went up to the lounge area at 29th flr with AL. BJ, TJ, ZL and the rest were already thr. It’s been long since I saw ZL liao, and Michelle did told her about me haha. *My eyes were on Freya Lin’s blue high heels~ so pretty!* She does give off the “strong career woman” aura though. I kept quiet as usual at the media round table… haha hw I wish I noe when to open up my mouth lol! *BJ said she wanted to call out to me many times during the interview cos wanna lombang me back to office in her colleague’s car, but our interview took too long so she gave up.* ZL and SY were talking to the general manager from Rock Records, and I dun even noe who he was lol. Ended up taking SY’s car ride back to office, with ZL and another reporter from逗号. Din hav to rush the article out by today, and juz when I was about to relax, YM came over to remind me about interviewing the 3 young ppl for Arts Fest’s article on爆米花this weds! To think I read his email and tot the“下个星期二”he mentioned in it was nex tues as I tot, until he told me he sent this email last fri, so
nex tues” meant to hand in the article by tmr! *I did jumped a bit when I觉悟la and he tot I panicked, so calmed me a lil’ lol.* Actualli, it’s oni 3 x 300words which is nt a lot, so I wasn’t tat worried haha. Managed to interview all 3 ppl by 6.30pm, and while waiting for 1003DJ WD’s call in the middle, I went over to say hello to the new intern, YS whose from NUS, and taught him hw to pick up hotline. *Yeah! 有人分担工作hehe~* And as I always face a big prob when coming to sorting out and organizing info, I spent my time in office till 7.30pm to at least draft out 1/3 of the article. *Juz when I was about to leave, CQ had to pull me back to talk a lil’… oh well at least I gt to know more about her haha.*
Met SY, and we went up to the lounge area at 29th flr with AL. BJ, TJ, ZL and the rest were already thr. It’s been long since I saw ZL liao, and Michelle did told her about me haha. *My eyes were on Freya Lin’s blue high heels~ so pretty!* She does give off the “strong career woman” aura though. I kept quiet as usual at the media round table… haha hw I wish I noe when to open up my mouth lol! *BJ said she wanted to call out to me many times during the interview cos wanna lombang me back to office in her colleague’s car, but our interview took too long so she gave up.* ZL and SY were talking to the general manager from Rock Records, and I dun even noe who he was lol. Ended up taking SY’s car ride back to office, with ZL and another reporter from逗号. Din hav to rush the article out by today, and juz when I was about to relax, YM came over to remind me about interviewing the 3 young ppl for Arts Fest’s article on爆米花this weds! To think I read his email and tot the“下个星期二”he mentioned in it was nex tues as I tot, until he told me he sent this email last fri, so
nex tues” meant to hand in the article by tmr! *I did jumped a bit when I觉悟la and he tot I panicked, so calmed me a lil’ lol.* Actualli, it’s oni 3 x 300words which is nt a lot, so I wasn’t tat worried haha. Managed to interview all 3 ppl by 6.30pm, and while waiting for 1003DJ WD’s call in the middle, I went over to say hello to the new intern, YS whose from NUS, and taught him hw to pick up hotline. *Yeah! 有人分担工作hehe~* And as I always face a big prob when coming to sorting out and organizing info, I spent my time in office till 7.30pm to at least draft out 1/3 of the article. *Juz when I was about to leave, CQ had to pull me back to talk a lil’… oh well at least I gt to know more about her haha.*
tThought: so “he” may nt be restricted to juz a “specific him” o~*
Woke up
7+am cos dad was having a tiff with the young房客. Reached
office at 9am and the cleaner auntie was vacuuming the flr haha~ cos no one
from my department has reached yet!
After arranging some pts for the Arts Fest’s interview at hm ysd, I
continued typing the rest of the article in the morning, and managed to get all
their interviewee’s photos… b4 I sent in to ZY near noon. Glenn came over and
tasked with a new GSS assignment, so I had to contact the PR and Anna for this
GSS Special tat’s gonna be out nex fri. Organised and typed out the interview
with KissJane too b4 lunch, cos the cover story’s supposedly out nex weds!
CQ was chasing me at 3+pm for Freya Lin’s interview, cos I din noe we were supposed to hand in tat early to editors if it was an event done the day b4. *I was busy with other things too tat she din noe I guess…* Worse thing was tat while I was rushing it, LZ and ZY had to look for me, and asked me regarding the correction for the BCA article… cos it seems the PR contacted WY directly. *I dunno if Glenn settled tat with her though.* Spent some time settling tat with the PR and editors. *做了那么多东西,一时真的想不起过去一些事情的细节neh!* And as usual, I was by her side as I watched her correct some of my mistakes. *Can’t rmb since when but I told myself nt to bring bad mood at work hm.* Anw, spent the rest of my time in office looking thru the “VV Drama” press release info, doing hotline, deciding on when to start typing my article for “Vamp Prosecutor”, and of cos waited till 6.30pm for my marketing colleague to get back to me with the PR contacts for The Centrept since I need their permission to do shoots inside the mall.
*Hearing praises from colleagues is very comforting lol. My work schedule’s packed for nw till early nex wk, so as much as I like to help them cover diff events and gain exposure for myself, I still couldn’t possibly give up all my personal time and slp cos of these right!? 至少我要做到公私分明吧。*
CQ was chasing me at 3+pm for Freya Lin’s interview, cos I din noe we were supposed to hand in tat early to editors if it was an event done the day b4. *I was busy with other things too tat she din noe I guess…* Worse thing was tat while I was rushing it, LZ and ZY had to look for me, and asked me regarding the correction for the BCA article… cos it seems the PR contacted WY directly. *I dunno if Glenn settled tat with her though.* Spent some time settling tat with the PR and editors. *做了那么多东西,一时真的想不起过去一些事情的细节neh!* And as usual, I was by her side as I watched her correct some of my mistakes. *Can’t rmb since when but I told myself nt to bring bad mood at work hm.* Anw, spent the rest of my time in office looking thru the “VV Drama” press release info, doing hotline, deciding on when to start typing my article for “Vamp Prosecutor”, and of cos waited till 6.30pm for my marketing colleague to get back to me with the PR contacts for The Centrept since I need their permission to do shoots inside the mall.
*Hearing praises from colleagues is very comforting lol. My work schedule’s packed for nw till early nex wk, so as much as I like to help them cover diff events and gain exposure for myself, I still couldn’t possibly give up all my personal time and slp cos of these right!? 至少我要做到公私分明吧。*
Was writing
snippet for Starhub’s VV Drama Pack special. I guessed correctly CQ would come
and chase after me right after lunch, lucky I’d prepare some qns to ask her
lol… sorta evaded any awkwardness. *MH randomly asked me if dad and mum watches
Starhub cable tv or local drama… lol… I guess we’re really nt in time with
latest technology in TVs haha.*
Oh Peony
Jade restaurant gave zaobao editorial free durian cake and mooncakes to try
this morning! WF asked me to try the durian cake and omg it was delicious! I’m
nt a huge fan of durian and usually eat a lil, and I really want to give thumbs
up for this cos the thick layer of durian flesh sandwiched in bet. was neither
too sweet nor bitter~ juz nice! Then I had the冰皮月饼which is
mint-flavoured, and surprisingly thr’s a dark choco in it o! The durian dessert
I had later was a bit too much for me liao, maybe cos I can’t take too much of
durian in the 1st place, and tat was “durian-ish” haha.
was roughly settling stuff with PRs so my interviews and photography could be
planned smoothly, asking PQ on hw exactly to do a cover article, researching
and coming up with questions for GSS shopping at OG orchard Pt and Centrept
tmr, and then I dunno hw I gt so giddy near 6pm, and wasn’t in the mood to do
anything else lol.
*rRandom tThought: 老爱做白日梦,做多了或许有实现的一天?Haha.*
*rRandom tThought: 老爱做白日梦,做多了或许有实现的一天?Haha.*
Met 1003DJ
AN at OG Orchard Pt for the GSS article feature. *She reached early and so went
ard shopping b4 coming.* QL was late cos he worked till really late the day b4.
This is like the 1st shopping assignment I do, so I was kind of blur
la, lucky Henry and AN were gd manager and interviewee tat somewat helped me
along the way. *Still I ended up having so many pdts’ pics taken… hav to choose
some to feature lol.*
QL came and we began with taking pics with the luggage bag… so cute AN sat in one of it lol! *I was the “lighting woman” again haha~* Then, we moved on to rice cooker… sorta done in a jiffy for tat. *Wow photography really takes time man!* We headed to The Centrept 1st since AN’s gotta leave at 1pm, and we were left with like half an hr, and I rmb-ed I did tell Andre tat we could be thr anytime from 11.30am to 1pm, but I guess he din see my email carefully, and so when we went over at 12+pm, he told me they gt sth on soon and tat we were sorta “late”. *I din reason la since it isn’t nice to, and well he din inform me they were in any rush anyway. 虽然讨厌,但总是会发生不清不楚的状况。* We headed to Astalift for some skincare pdts. The manager Ruby was quite a nice salesgal imo… felt happy talking to her. Then, we rushed to United Colors of Benetton and choose a few bright wears to feature. Told AN she could leave when it was 12.55pm haha~ and she was so happy she went off…. little did I know she actually went on to buy 2 pairs of shoes lol! QL and I went on to take pics at Payless ShoeSource~ oh it’s the same shop Jess and I saw at JCube! *The salesgals asked us to pick out shoes for our feature… of cos I’d naturally “aim” the ones I already told Jess tat’s nice last time!* Went back to OG Orchard Pt and QL began taking pics of Oris, Timex and Puma’s watches~ wow some of them looks really classy!
Henry treated me to lunch at HACHIFUKUMARU Ramen Shop, and though I’m nt a big fan of trad Jap ramen, the one thr was nt bad.
QL came and we began with taking pics with the luggage bag… so cute AN sat in one of it lol! *I was the “lighting woman” again haha~* Then, we moved on to rice cooker… sorta done in a jiffy for tat. *Wow photography really takes time man!* We headed to The Centrept 1st since AN’s gotta leave at 1pm, and we were left with like half an hr, and I rmb-ed I did tell Andre tat we could be thr anytime from 11.30am to 1pm, but I guess he din see my email carefully, and so when we went over at 12+pm, he told me they gt sth on soon and tat we were sorta “late”. *I din reason la since it isn’t nice to, and well he din inform me they were in any rush anyway. 虽然讨厌,但总是会发生不清不楚的状况。* We headed to Astalift for some skincare pdts. The manager Ruby was quite a nice salesgal imo… felt happy talking to her. Then, we rushed to United Colors of Benetton and choose a few bright wears to feature. Told AN she could leave when it was 12.55pm haha~ and she was so happy she went off…. little did I know she actually went on to buy 2 pairs of shoes lol! QL and I went on to take pics at Payless ShoeSource~ oh it’s the same shop Jess and I saw at JCube! *The salesgals asked us to pick out shoes for our feature… of cos I’d naturally “aim” the ones I already told Jess tat’s nice last time!* Went back to OG Orchard Pt and QL began taking pics of Oris, Timex and Puma’s watches~ wow some of them looks really classy!
Henry treated me to lunch at HACHIFUKUMARU Ramen Shop, and though I’m nt a big fan of trad Jap ramen, the one thr was nt bad.
Reached office oni at 4pm. Had to do
a phoner with AN cos I din get much chance to interview her when we walked ard
the malls. She’s kinda friendly, and she muz hav guessed I’m an intern or
newbie from hw blur I ansed her when she asked me about the article’s concept
Oh and anyway, Astalift gave us both some sample pdts thr to try… it’s gd to hav small回馈when u work hard to publicise their pdts… 有些人,就是会做生意.
Oh and anyway, Astalift gave us both some sample pdts thr to try… it’s gd to hav small回馈when u work hard to publicise their pdts… 有些人,就是会做生意.
Met Pat and WZ at Botakjones nex to SPH for dinner. *Weren’t we lucky
since it’s their last day thr?* WZ and I shared the sausage set ($12)… ex but
since we are eating once in a while, I dun mind. Talked a lot thr, esp on WZ’s
“gd friend” lol. *有人关心,绝对是好事。* Hope she gets her job soon!
*rRandom tThought: Hw fickle-minded can I get!? I dunno.*
WL asked YS
and I to help out at their new bk launch,《艺等人物》this
morning. Saw柯思仁in the morning, and PQ told me she told him
about me working thr but he can’t rmb who I am… justifiable cos I oni took his mod
back in yr 1 lol. The bk is divided into 2 chps, and among those interviewed, I
oni personally know and hav talked to郭庆亮and吕振端博士! *Din know
prof吕is so skilled in calligraphy!* Read both their interviews while the
event was taking place in the audi. YS and I were talking about studies and
careers we hav in mind. *He’s certainly bilingual, and lol he does remind me a
bit of Alex somehw.* YS’s a ppl-oriented person, and so it seems thr are so
many job options open to him in future… though he still has 2-3 yrs in NUS la
haha. 我呢?Headache. Mind-boggling.
was interested in my hairband wig haha~*
Event ended oni at 1+pm, so after having the buffet lunch thr, YS and I helped WL carried some stuff back to office. *Both my arms were tired from carrying tat stack of bks omg.* Spent my afternoon doing GSS feature article, getting infos and stuff.
*3 articles this wkend… pray I churn them out smoothly!*
Event ended oni at 1+pm, so after having the buffet lunch thr, YS and I helped WL carried some stuff back to office. *Both my arms were tired from carrying tat stack of bks omg.* Spent my afternoon doing GSS feature article, getting infos and stuff.
*3 articles this wkend… pray I churn them out smoothly!*