Schooling sat...

*易子而食,折骸而爨….It might be cruel, but it’s reality.人不为己,天诛地灭*

“Cruel sat”… got sch leh! 6.30am woke up went for politics lesson. Lunch shared杭三鲜荷叶饭 (RMB7) with JQ…delicious! The sauce reminds me of “Mui Fan”. Had 2 lectures of History…stressed.


HL, WZ & I went重庆麻辣汤shop to eat dinner. The system is sort of like when u eat Yong Tau Fu in SG. I took 7 ingredients and it costed RMB7.50. The soup is salty as u drink more but tasty at 1st. HL and WZ liked them very much. Had波波奶茶which was simply milk tea. I bought belt and necklace as well.
*First time I spend more than HL & WZ.*
*After chatting with Michelle, suddenly realised my love for EG是对的!*
