@糖水吧with YB, Ben & CC + FOC programmers' meeting + Red Riding Hood
*Dorky Kyu Hyun on“娱乐百分百”~ he's really a冷面笑匠neh. Oh and I loved his rendition of "如果你也听说"!*
After tuition with Goklas on sat, met YB, CC and Ben @ Outram. It's been quite some time since 4 of us went out. CC suggested some dining places and we chose Pasta Brava at 1st b4 CC realise tat place is actualli rather "out-of-our-budget", then he switched the reservation to "Pasta Inc" instead.
We reached the restaurant at about 5pm but was told tat the place opens at 6pm, so we had to loiter ard the area for about an hr.
After coming back, we were attracted to the糖水吧nex to it instead... cos the pricing were cheaper too haha. I had the福建面... so-so. But它不愧是“糖水吧”, CC, Ben and I had “荔枝西米露”、“芒果西米露”and“西瓜西米露”respectively, and it was so sweet~ tasty! *YB's asparagus soup tasted more like mushrm soup though~ yummy!* A meal tat costed $45+ for 4 ppl, and YB and I decided to treat Ben and CC to the dinner since their bdays are coming real soon... in June!
Then, we took a bus down to Funan IT mall cos YB wanted to get her Ipad 2. *Omg Ben and I were rather engrossed while playing with the display models haha!* Think YB spent like $900+ juz getting her 32GB Ipad with wi-fi, plus the cover.
*I'm such an "IT idiot" in life but I'm glad tat I've friends ard me who knows IT stuff well.*
We continued to search for dessert since YB was craving for it. Settled down at Coffee Club at Central and I tried the Blackberry coffee ($7+) for the 1st time... no more 2nd time cos it was so bitter. Ben, CC and I were happily playing Monopoly Deal Breaker but YB was surfing net cos she wasn't interested in "brainy games" lol... like she explained she'd used up too much of her brain cells during work.
Met SS, Michelle, YQ and the rest of the programmers for the FOC game details discussion at Bras Basah's Mac on sun. It was packed with ppl when we reached during noon lor. Finally settled on the rules and details for every game, and assigned the station masters to their stations. Took the whole afternoon for about 10 of us to go thru it together, in which after SS, YQ, Michelle and I stayed back to continue and work on our parts.
Had dinner at Bugis Food Junction... my curry chicken rice ($5.20) was nt bad o. And yes after my recommendation of鸡尾饭to SS, she said she'd been having tat ever since hehe~
While on the MRT back home, Michelle shared some stories of her "stalker fans friends" with me, and seriously I tot they are ignorant. What gd is it to u when u stalk their idols? If not, cases like gg for every concert of ur idols, till u're financially broke... again, wat gd does it do? What's shocking is that those ppl are actualli working class ppl in their late 20s to early 30s.
追星要有限度,再大、再多的爱也不过是崇拜。可惜过度的崇拜是一厢情愿的幻想,哪天回头看时仅仅是流连却不能返回的傻气而已。 付出与回报是否成对比,全是自身心理的评估。
*I loved the Apple Strudel~*
Watched "Red Riding Hood".
I did hesitated to watch or nt when I saw that "Red Riding Hood" was a thriller/horror movie. Can't rmb since when I grew a timid cat cos I used to dare to watch horror dramas on TV when I was much younger haha. 大概是因为懂事了,知道得更多,所以变得胆小了haha.
Caught the show for Gary Oldman and Amanda Seyfried.So yeah it's the story about guessing who's the wolf till the end. Poor lover of hers... gt bitten by the werewolf b4 it died.
And er... nope this movie isn't scary at all.Rating: 3/5
Quick update: juz had 1st tuition lesson with Ryan. Ok la he's quite an outspoken boy who loves to smile. But his handwriting was really... omg somewat reminded me of mine when I was in pri sch haha! Big, fat and wat ppl would normally see as "ugly". *I hold tat it's messy, nt ugly... messy doesn't mean ugly btw.* Can see his mum is oso the typical "kiasu-parent"... shall try my best to arrange a fixed timing for Ryan's tuition twice a wk.
*The finding for a temp job is creating a bit of prob for my tuitions and meet-ups with friends... headache.*

And it's MYPaper's 5th anniversary soon~ made a "cert" for my ex-colleagues haha! Hope they'll like it!
Just caught Lotte Duty Free "So I'm Loving You" 2011 MV featuring JYJ, BigBang, 2PM, Jang GeunSuk, Kim HyungJoon, HyunBin & more. JYJ's cute inside and I loved Micky's navy blue casual outfit hehe. BigBang's "Aladdin" theme looked fun!