Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows: part 1
*It's all "fireworks and crackers" filling the SG air nw, but I'm cooped inside these 4 walls, away from the noise...*
Ok I know it's supposedly exam revision period and I most prob shldn't be blogging, much less surfing the internet... but I reckon I need entertainment to "balance up" my day after a whole afternoon of memorising notes for HC301. Sadly, I've oni finished about 2/5 of it I think, and the "heavy parts" are still behind. Erm much worse, I dun think I can rmb that much this time as compared to lit exams last yr cos I simply dun hav much time. Besides, there's CS100 which contains oso "a mountain of memory work" to be done~ Nonetheless, I shall try my best and continue tml... yup so I might juz nt be touching my lappy the nex few days.
*still have tuition this coming sat~ alamak!*
Alright nw for my "love"... Harry Potter! *Din catch it last yr cos I was in Shanghai then... and I heard HP films screened there gt a lot of scenes "axed" u see~* I was so engrossed while watching this 2.5hrs show ysn, till it was 4am b4 I realise I still hav 1more hr b4 I finish "Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows: part 1"! So, I decided to continue watching it today instead.

I liked this movie! The beginning totally reminded me of wat was in the book (though I've forgotten most of the details). Yeah it was mostly about hw the trio disapparated from one place to another but each setting brings in an impt scene from the story. Characters like Ginny, Luna, Snape, Malfoy, Hagrid and even Voldemort appeared oni in few scenes, thks to the large vol of book 7.
I enjoyed the animation part whr Hermoine was recounting the tale of the Deathly Hallows... intriguing. Ron was humourous as usual, I was cracking up at some of the silly things the character said lol~ my fav!
And thru it all, Dobby died after helping Harry and his friends. A pity but the "Harry Potter" series is coming to an end on-screen, it's gonna be the showdown bet. Voldemort and Harry soon~ (though the book's already gt the ending and I think I still rmb it haha~)
Gosh I can't believe it's been 10yrs since the 1st movie came out! Am anticipating for part 2 of this nw!
Rating: 4/5
Gt to put up this performance of BigBang's "Love Song" on Inkigayo... it was their farewell stage and they were clad in red suits~ so gd-looking! I was LOL-ing at TOP's "super duper high" reaction when they knew they won 1st on the charts~ dang the guys (esp TOP and Seungri) kinda went "haywire" I reckon LOL.
Ok I know it's supposedly exam revision period and I most prob shldn't be blogging, much less surfing the internet... but I reckon I need entertainment to "balance up" my day after a whole afternoon of memorising notes for HC301. Sadly, I've oni finished about 2/5 of it I think, and the "heavy parts" are still behind. Erm much worse, I dun think I can rmb that much this time as compared to lit exams last yr cos I simply dun hav much time. Besides, there's CS100 which contains oso "a mountain of memory work" to be done~ Nonetheless, I shall try my best and continue tml... yup so I might juz nt be touching my lappy the nex few days.
*still have tuition this coming sat~ alamak!*
Alright nw for my "love"... Harry Potter! *Din catch it last yr cos I was in Shanghai then... and I heard HP films screened there gt a lot of scenes "axed" u see~* I was so engrossed while watching this 2.5hrs show ysn, till it was 4am b4 I realise I still hav 1more hr b4 I finish "Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows: part 1"! So, I decided to continue watching it today instead.

I enjoyed the animation part whr Hermoine was recounting the tale of the Deathly Hallows... intriguing. Ron was humourous as usual, I was cracking up at some of the silly things the character said lol~ my fav!
And thru it all, Dobby died after helping Harry and his friends. A pity but the "Harry Potter" series is coming to an end on-screen, it's gonna be the showdown bet. Voldemort and Harry soon~ (though the book's already gt the ending and I think I still rmb it haha~)
Gosh I can't believe it's been 10yrs since the 1st movie came out! Am anticipating for part 2 of this nw!
Rating: 4/5
Gt to put up this performance of BigBang's "Love Song" on Inkigayo... it was their farewell stage and they were clad in red suits~ so gd-looking! I was LOL-ing at TOP's "super duper high" reaction when they knew they won 1st on the charts~ dang the guys (esp TOP and Seungri) kinda went "haywire" I reckon LOL.