Why I wanna blog leh?

First, I know the URL very "not me"... nvm.
Creating this blog so nex time go China can oso blog here let my family & friends(U guys)... know my life there.
I thought about it all night ysd whether I wanna hav a blog... as in... I did say before to some ppl that I'm lazy to blog( YES I AM~) and all... and blogging seems so ma fan.. hav to update and all... I don't want spider webs all over~

To Blog or Not? I've been struggling this few days... Going against my principle of "not gonna blog for the rest of my life / why follow trend?"...but since I''m going to China soon, why not I blog... as in in case no time to call back or chat with friends over MSN cos of being busy with sch work and all...

OK LA~ set BLOG~~~ :P

This is going to be a place... erm I share bits & bits of what's going on with life and my ..reflections I hav at times. Yes I do think quite a lot at times... so yeah.. put them here since I don't write those in my personal diary. So this blog's gonna be a place I try to be personal but not too personal with. hehe.

Now gonna go ard tagging... friends here I come...
