15/12/10: 1st snow in Shanghai winter 2010~
*Shugs~ din see双子座流星雨cos it was too cloudy in Shanghai ysn... argh!*
Snowing isn't a rare occurence, but it's nt very often tat I get to see it... and in fact, this could be considered the 1st time in my 22yrs of life tat I saw an actual snow happening b4 me haha! Alright~ today went a sth like this:
It was 8am when I woke up, and after brushing up, and knowing tat the temp would be very cold today (5 to -2/-3 degrees celcius), I felt it'd be fun to "relive a lil' bit of childhood days"... so I did the following...

Snowing isn't a rare occurence, but it's nt very often tat I get to see it... and in fact, this could be considered the 1st time in my 22yrs of life tat I saw an actual snow happening b4 me haha! Alright~ today went a sth like this:
It was 8am when I woke up, and after brushing up, and knowing tat the temp would be very cold today (5 to -2/-3 degrees celcius), I felt it'd be fun to "relive a lil' bit of childhood days"... so I did the following...
LOL~ I blew on the balcony door's glass and mist formed... so I wrote my name haha! *这不是无聊,这是童真~哈哈!* And somehw I felt the buildings outside dun look "China-ish" at all... u guys might believe even if I lied I'm in Prague or wat haha.
Mich and I "braved thru" the stupid strong wind, and went for中国诗学经典导读lecture at六教in the morning. WT came later and she sms-ed me "It's snowing!" while she was on her way to meet us for lunch. Mich and I were in Kodak doing her photos, and so naturally I peeked thru the glass doors to see... couldn't really see snow at 1st. It was nt until we walked to the eatery and on our way there... I could see the small snow pieces really clearly!
We took some pics on our way四教later but cos the flakes were really small, we couldn't really capture it using our handphone cams.
I din notice until 3pm when I saw it began "raining" snow! Nv had I seen it in Hangzhou 3yrs back eh. It was really heavy~ and we took the pics like 10mins after the big snow... see them below!

Poor Mich's hands were shaking while she took pics for me and WT haha. *This crazy gal even filmed a vid of us walking in the snow la~ haha!* After "booking" our seats for中国现代名著选讲lecture at night, 3 of us went out for early dinner! Again... we couldn't resist the temptation to take more pics of this snowy scene... and WT was "yelling" cos she din bring out her cam LOL!
Students were having fun at this "snow field" in front of光华楼la! Some foreigners were even having "snow fights" lol~
We had dinner at Salabim. I tried their mushrm Risotto (RMB18) but it was kind of "buttery"... so-so for me. WT had the veggie soup and wedges, while Mich had her seafood soup and fried shrimps tat I ate last time. 3 of us shared the banana split (RMB28) too... wow to eat ice-cream at the start of winter lol.
*We discussed hw we'd want to celebrate eve of X'mas, Xmas, and new yr together... seems like it's gonna be a "food feast"~ pray hard tat I dun grow fatter anymore ah~*
A continuation of our "white winter" journey back to classrm after dinner...
WT and Mich's umbrella were filled with snow icings haha! And after a boring lecture, we walked back to hostel... and saw some ppl made 2 snowmans on the way... I oni took a snapshot of the 1st one though... the 2nd one juz outside our dorm had a "red hat" and "buttons" on it... so much cuter than this eerie-looking one...
Anyway, we shall expect another snowy day tml, but luckily 3 of us weren't being attending lectures... skipping 2 classes. I shall be stuck in rm finishing up my 1st诗学thesis!