Westlife: The Farewell Tour Live at Croke Park + 자칼이 온다 + 해를 품은 달 + NTU Career Fair 2013

*rRandom tThought: Just got the new fibre broadband fixed last tues. Hmm... I don't feel the internet speed becoming any faster... why neh?*

C. N. Blue's "I'm Sorry" MV was filmed in London! Love the song and style~ Rock'n'roll rocks! Hehe~

JaeJoong's 1st single released... "Mine" MV feels so "devil-ish"! I guess he knew fans would want to see him in such a style haha. JaeJoong proves that he is a rocker at heart, and embraced the genre well! The vampire, snake, tattoos on him were wow... yet well there are still some "fashion styles" that I can't seem to agree with. They simply looked weird imo. *I don't usually like guys with nail polish on, but the concept here seems to fit well.*

Westlife disbanded last year, after 14years together. I watched their farewell tour live at Croke Park, and I realised I could sing to so many of their songs without even looking at lyrics!
I knew almost 95% of the songs sung haha. Weird how Nicky still looks as good as when they first debuted lol~ while others were obviously more "uncle-looking" now. Their funny dance never fails to amuse me somehow lol... I definitely prefer Westlife singing their signature ballads!
I can vividly rmb the one when when my brother and I quarelled during my sec sch day, and he got so angry he threw Westlife's CD down the rubbish chute! I was so mad that I think I didn't talk to him for a while haha. Not long after when I was clearing up the desk, I found the CD... but in a blank CD case, with brother's own handwriting that "imitated" what was on the original cover lol! *Whatever, I was happy my first album of Westlife's was found!* 
Heard that they are gonna go solo, oh well I would love Shane's new album if he goes the "Michael Buble" way hehe~

Rating: 3.75/5  
Caught "자칼이 온다" featuring김재중and송지효.
Honestly, I didn't expect "Jackal" to be송지효. I liked her in "Running Man" already, and so her fight scenes here were cool! *She would totally fit the "korean version of花木兰" if there is one hoho!* 
김재중's acting here was so-so for me though, maybe cos송지효was "shining all over" haha! Still, 김재중is funny.

Rating: 3.75/5 (0.25 for absolute bias-ness on my part... for both leads!)

And guess what? I finished watching "해를 품은 달" in over the past 2 nights! Yes literally in the middle of the night keke~
Trust me... I was contemplating whether or not to even start watching "해를 품은 달" in the first place, though QW had transferred the show to me since months ago, and even mum has finished watching it. The reason? 古装剧 (serious ones) don't really appeal to me usually, let alone watching one without any of my idols in it. I was prepared to give up watching if the first few episodes failed to "attract" me or if there's too much historical info for me to "digest". Surprisingly, I was so into it!
It's adapted from a novel, and the story has multi-sided love relationships between many roles... so much so that I am lazy to elaborate, but it's just that they seem to all be entangled together! Basically, 허연우/월 (한가인) is loved by both the immediate king이훤 (김수현)and his elder brother양명군 (정일우) since young, but of cos the latter is the "poor thing" in this triangle relationship. The whole story revolves around the "sudden death" of허연우, how이훤misses her and later on when he grew up and became king, met월who resembles허연우, he began investigation on the whole matter. 

I knew about한가인before the show, and dang she is very pretty and young-looking for a 82-er! 김수현is cute-looking but somehow I can't connect his deep voice to his cute face haha. I was saddened by their separation and touched when they finally found each other after rough times. *Somehow many things had to happen and kept them apart, and all the incidents were well-justified.* Oh I liked이민호who acted as the teenager version of양명군cos he looks very good in古装! *Just when I thought he looked really familiar, I recalled that he was in "옥탑방 왕세자" too!* He is a much better-looking version of Eun Hyuk imo lol! 임시완as the teenager version of허염is cute too. Oh and one little girl that made me laugh really hard (besides the king's enunch) was진지희~ she was super adorable!

Oh what can I say!? No wonder it's one of the most popular drama series in Korea last year!

Rating: 4.5/5

*rRandom tThought: just when I thought we were memories, you re-surfaced. It's an irony, maintaining as "friends" this way.*
I am writing the 2nd last chapter of FYP yet gradually finding myself lost in it... oh no... I need more focus and motivation to write it well now. Anyway, attended both days of Career Fair at NTU on tues and today.
I didn't submit any hard copy of my resume. Almost 95% of the employers told us to submit applications online. Browsed around the fair with SS, WT and YQ... literally. Few organisations that I had interest in, and my discipline'd fall into "general discipline", to most of the exhibitors present. It's only after attending this fair, did it dawn on me that I'm going to start work very soon omg... and I should be pretty worried since not many positions interest me nor do I suit them! Seriously, "starting from scratch" did cross my mind since many MA programs give fresh graduates a chance to gain exposure in different fields of expertise... yet after some thoughts, I doubt I am very keen on this. *一瞬间划过脑际的懊恼不是没有的,但我希望一直以来的坚持不是错误的。*
I am not gonna just submit my resumes to any organisation, just to get a job right after graduation. But, I do hope to find a job that I would like/enjoy working asap after graduation though... I need money after all haha! March should be about the desirable period to start submitting resumes, and so till then I will think through my free time... about what exactly I am pursuing, and weigh the different factors thoroughly. 
